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Compare service completely switched from physical servers to cloud resources

Customers: Сравни.ру

Moscow; Internet services

Contractors: Yandex.Cloud
Product: Yandex.Cloud Virtual Computing Infrastructure Services

Project date: 2022/05  - 2022/11

2022: A Complete Transition to Cloud Resources

The marketplace for financial and insurance services "Compare" completely switched from physical servers to Yandex Cloud cloud resources. The cost of the annual contract is 54 million rubles. The Compare service announced this on December 12, 2022.

Compare has chosen a cloud platform to speed up the launch of new products. Managed Yandex Cloud services allow the marketplace to release up to 720 financial product releases per month. The collaboration created a microservice infrastructure that is easy to maintain and scale.

Also in the cloud there is a financial marketplace "Compare." The company has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation confirming the right to be the operator of the financial platform. The marketplace allows customers not only to see and compare the current offers of banks, but also to arrange services online.

The Compare infrastructure in Yandex Cloud is not inferior to the banking one in terms of reliability and security. It fully complies with the regulator's requirements for the localization of the marketplace in accordance with Federal Law N 152-FZ "On Personal Data," and has also been audited for compliance with GOST R 57580.1-2017 (security of financial transactions). Compare the implementation of projects using PCI DSS certification, which ensures compliance with payment processing requirements in Yandex Cloud.

"I believe our choice for Yandex Cloud was the right one. The platform's extensive technical capabilities have significantly accelerated the launch of our projects. For users, the service will work even faster and without errors. During operation, we found that some services, such as Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes, have unique power in the market. We can say that Yandex Cloud is a real hyperscaler and can be compared with international players, "said Dmitry Parfenov, technical director of Compare.

During the project, a reliable cloud infrastructure was created that meets high security requirements. This allowed Compare one of the first Russian companies to be certified in accordance with GOST 57580.1 - 2017. Yandex Cloud managed services have become a reliable foundation for financial products based on microservice architecture. As a result, a Marketplace has been launched that gives people the opportunity from anywhere from any personal device to compare, choose and issue the best offers from different financial organizations, "said Alexander Chernikov, commercial director of the Yandex Cloud platform.