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Diasoft: Single window of payment acceptance and transfers

Developers: Diasoft
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Systems of remote banking

The complete solution provides acceptance, storage and processing of client requests for implementation of payments to operators of services (through payment systems or directly under agreements with suppliers), payments of a free format and also transfers to the address of individuals through money transfer systems – thanks to the interaction mechanism which is built in the solution with integrators of money transfer systems.

The solution has the specialized adapter to Coinstar and CyberPlat® payment systems which, in turn, provide the single interface of interaction with such payment systems as CyberPlat, Anelik, UniStream, InterExpress, Leader, Allure, MoneyGram, Fast Mail, Asia Express, Coinstar Money Transfer, BLIZKO and also Contact on-line. The list of the used systems set by integrators constantly extends and supplemented – without change of technologies and implementation of additional tools. Now works on transfer of systems to a new format of interaction with the integration CONTACT NG Technology platform are conducted.

The solution is focused on support of "end-to-end" business processes of Bank on work with payments and transfers without opening of the account and provides interaction, seamless and transparent for business users, of all components which are its part (direct customer service in operational divisions of bank and conducting product accounting in settlement divisions of bank).

Implementing solution of Diasoft will allow to integrate all links of work with payments and transfers to uniform business process: carrying out consultations of clients, receiving and delivery of cash, conducting product accounting, calculations between bank, payment systems and service providers (at payment acceptance in payment for services in agreements with service providers), creation of operational and analytical reports, registers, consolidation of information, preparation of summary accounting documents, monitoring of transactions, interaction with payment system for reflection on supplier accounts of services/receiver of transfer (participants of payment system) and information transfers about payment.

Besides, in the solution the package of measures for data protection from unauthorized access and change of data (the organization of the protected tunnels, the electronic digital signature of the transferred messages, etc.) is implemented.

Use of technologies of "single window" is a unique opportunity to increase attractiveness of bank and loyalty of his regular customers. The functionality of the complete solution allows to reduce information processing time, to exclude double entry of data, to minimize number of the errors resulting from "a human factor", to increase a service flow, to increase quality of service and, thereby, to provide profitability of business.