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Diasoft Diasoft


Diasoft Group of Companies has been operating in the market for automation of financial institutions since 1991.

Glazkov Alexander Valerievich
Oleg Mitrofanovich Roshchupkin
Oleg Mikhalev
Also, the main shareholders of the company are Alexander Gentsis, Denis Olshevsky, Sergey Ovchinnikov, Alexey Groshev and Andrey Dymov.


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ Diasoft
+ Oleg Mitrofanovich Roshchupkin

The company is a Russian supplier of IT solutions for all business areas of credit and financial institutions and provides its clients with comprehensive systems for automating corporate and retail services, working in financial markets, accounting and reporting, and managing business and personnel. The company creates and implements integration solutions, information and analytical business management systems of large financial structures, develops IT solutions for insurance companies, non-state pension funds, and corporate treasuries.

Key Business Areas

  • Solutions for insurance companies and NPFs.
  • Enterprise Business Solutions.
  • Solutions for retail banks.
  • Digital banking.
  • Front-to-Back systems for financial markets.
  • Russian and international accounting and reporting.
  • System Platform Administration

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth by 27.1% to RUB 9.14 billion

PJSC Diasoft on June 27, 2024 shared with TAdviser consolidated financial results for the 12 months of fiscal year 2023 ended 31.03.2024.

Revenue amounted to 9.14 billion rubles, an increase of 27.1% year-on-year. The strong revenue growth rate was supported by the implementation of strategic initiatives aimed at diversifying the business, launching new products, entering new business segments for the Company, as well as strengthening market positions with current customers.

The share of new sales in total revenue increased to 31% compared to 27% in fiscal 2022, an absolute increase of 44% to 2.8 billion rubles.

Contracted revenue amounted to 19.2 billion rubles as of 31.03.2024, which is 70% higher than the same indicator on 31.03.2023. Maintaining a high level of contracted revenue reflects stable customer demand for the Company's products and services.

EBITDA increased by 27% compared to the same period of fiscal 2022 against the background of business growth and amounted to 3.91 billion rubles.

EBITDA margin remained strong at 43%, still showing one of the highest performance in the industry. Pressure on the indicator was exerted by increasing personnel costs, which were offset by an increase in operational efficiency due to the automation of software production processes based on the introduction of modern mining technologies in the context of a shortage of personnel and high competition for talents in the labor market.

EBITDAC amounted to 2.9 billion rubles, showing an increase of 30% compared to the same period last year.

Net profit amounted to 3.1 billion rubles compared to 2.6 billion rubles in fiscal 2022, showing an increase of 16%.

The NIC grew to 2.7 billion rubles, demonstrating a double-digit growth rate or 34% year-on-year.

Turnover of trade debt as of the 31.03.2024 of 46 days.

Development costs software () R&D at the end of fiscal year 2023 increased by 20%, to 1.0 billion rubles, and were aimed at developing existing and launching new product solutions in all areas of business in the software market.

Representative and advertising expenses in 2024 increased 3 times compared to 2023 and reached 35.9 million rubles.

Free cash flow amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. The indicator reflects the Company's single-time expenses for the IPO in February 2024.

In 31.03.2024, the Company has negative net debt due to its historically strong monetary position and lack of debt burden.

In 2024, the Company plans to pay dividends of at least 80% EBITDA on a quarterly basis. Following the 4 financial quarter of 2023, the Company's Board of Directors recommended payment of RUB 300.3 million.

Key indicators:

Dynamics of contracted revenue:

Key Events of Fiscal Year 2023:

  • Successful IPO and the start of trading in Diasoft shares (ticker - DIAS) on the Moscow Exchange.
  • Diasoft entered the top 10 largest Russian suppliers of BPM systems according to CNews and TAdviser.
  • The Moscow Exchange chose the PostgreDB DBMS from Diasoft.
  • Diasoft shares are included in the Innovation and Investment Market (RII) sector of the Moscow Exchange.
  • Diasoft's Digital Q.UP digital platform is included in the Unified Register of Russian Computer and Database Programs.
  • Diasoft presented a unified integration approach for the implementation of the Digital Ruble of the Bank of Russia solution in the IT landscape of banks.
  • One of the first partners of Diasoft, which creates its software based on the low-code platforms of the digital ecosystem Digital Q, has developed the Smart City platform.
  • For the 12th time in a row, Diasoft was included in the prestigious list of one hundred of the world's largest financial technology providers IDC FinTechRankings Top 100 of the international analytical company IDC Financial Insights.
  • Diasoft became a member of the FinTech Association (AFL). At the Association site, the company will take part in the creation and development of domestic solutions for the automation of the financial sector.


2025: TAdviser interview with Partner Director Alexander Sakharov

The efficient use of information technology in large organizations is a critical factor in the success of the business as a whole. It is important that the IT architecture is able to ensure that the company is ready for growth, change and surprise. This is where microservice architecture comes in. The creation of microservice applications is fraught with a number of difficulties, but they are possible to cope with the low-code of the platform. More about this - in January 2025, in an interview with TAdviser, said Alexander Sakharov, director of work with partners of Diasoft. Read more here.


Falling under US sanctions

On August 23, 2024, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), as part of the US Treasury Department, unveiled a new list of specially designated citizens and blocked persons (SDN). We are talking about sanctions imposed on Russian individuals and legal entities in connection with the emerging geopolitical situation. Read more here

Plan to attract more than 100 partners

On April 2, 2024, Diasoft announced the development of a partner network. Combining the capabilities of IT companies will satisfy the needs of large and medium-sized organizations in digital transformation, modernization of existing corporate information systems and rapid import substitution of Western solutions.

The Diasoft partner network for April 2024 includes three types of partners.

Technology partners are large and medium-sized organizations, IT companies and IT integrators that solve the problems of creating, modernizing and importing corporate information systems using low-code platforms of the digital transformation ecosystem Digital Q.

Promotion partners are companies that distribute finished Diasoft infrastructure and production platforms. For example, DBMS Q.DataBase (based on PostgreSQL), Digital Q.MessageBroker messaging platform (based on Kafka and Artemis), Digital Q.Tasks task management platform (analogue of Jira) and others. The full list is presented on the Digital Q digital transformation ecosystem portal.

The Digital Q transformation ecosystem is a development environment that fully meets the new requirements of the IT industry. The use of ecosystem platforms reduces software production costs and achieves a completely different level of product quality and speed of change. To make our development environment complete, we complement it with partner solutions: operating systems, information security products, hardware and software complexes. Any developer can access the development environment, it is free. Monetization will be only if solutions created on the basis of our development environment are introduced into production, "said Alexander Glazkov, General Director, member of the Board of Directors of Diasoft.

Approval of dividend payment in the amount of 794.7 million rubles

The annual general meeting of Diasoft's shareholders approved the payment of dividends for the third financial quarter of 2023 in the amount recommended by the Board of Directors - 75 rubles 68 kopecks per share (or 794.7 million rubles). This was announced on March 14, 2024 to TAdviser by representatives of Diasoft, a software developer for the financial sector and other sectors of the economy. Thus, the company will direct 40% of EBITDA for the third financial quarter of 2023 to dividends. Diasoft announced its intention to pay dividends for the first time after the IPO.

10 out of 15 top managers of Diasoft are shareholders of the company (from the presentation of February 2024)

The list of persons entitled to receive dividends for the 3 financial quarter of 2023 will be formed as of March 21 2024 the end of the operating day. In general, the payment is planned to be made:

  • to the nominee holder and the trustee, who is a professional participant in the securities market, who are registered in the register of shareholders (within 10 business days from the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are determined);
  • shareholders (owners) registered in the register of shareholders (within 25 business days from the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are determined).

"In February of this year, we placed the group's shares on the Moscow Exchange. During the IPO, the company attracted over 100 thousand retail and about 20 institutional investors in equity. We are glad that our new shareholders will receive the first dividends in the near future, - said Alexander Glazkov, CEO, member of the Board of Directors of Diasoft.

As he clarified, dividends are paid on a quarterly basis, and the company intends to "consistently adhere to this practice."

Going public

On February 13, 2024 To the Moscow exchange , trading in Diasoft shares began (ticker - DIAS). IPO As part of the company, it placed shares at a price of 4500, rubles that is, the upper limit of the previously announced range of 4000-4500 rubles. This allowed the developer ON financial sector to attract 4.14 billion rubles.

The basic size of the IPO amounted to 800 thousand shares, which corresponds to 8% of the shares issued and outstanding. The main part of the basic IPO size is shares in the framework of an additional issue in the amount of 500 thousand. Shareholders offered investors shares in the amount of up to 300 thousand shares. The market capitalization of the company after the placement of shares amounted to 47.25 billion rubles.

Diasoft CEO Alexander Glazkov (right) delivers a speech on the occasion of the start of trading in the company's shares on the Moscow Exchange

Over 100 thousand retail investors took part in the placement. The shares of institutional and private investors were distributed approximately equally. Also, up to 20% of the total IPO size was allocated to key employees and business partners.

Diasoft plans to use the funds earned from the IPO to implement its growth strategy, while ensuring higher volumes of dividend payments in the coming years. At the same time, the deal will increase brand recognition among potential customers and partners, create liquidity in shares on the Moscow Exchange, and implement an effective incentive program for the company's employees, Diasoft said in a statement.

The company aims to achieve revenue growth of more than 30% per year and EBITDA margin of 45-50%. Diasoft's dividend policy assumes payment to shareholders in 2024-2025 of at least 80% EBITDA, in 2026 and further - at least 50%. As of September 30, 2023, EBITDA amounted to 3.5 billion rubles, the ratio of net debt to this indicator was negative.[1]

IPO Closing Date Change

PJSC Diasoft on February 8, 2024 announced a change in the closing date of the book of applications within the framework of the initial public offer (hereinafter - IPO or "Offer") of ordinary shares (hereinafter - "Shares") of the Company as of February 12, 2024 and the beginning of trading in Shares on the Moscow Exchange from February 13, 2024.

Due to the increased interest of institutional and retail investors in the Company's Proposal, it was decided to early stop collecting applications within the framework of the bookbuilding procedure at 15:00 Moscow time on February 12, 2024.

It is expected that settlements with investors on the Moscow Exchange will be carried out on February 13, 2024. Trading in the Company's Shares in the second level of the Moscow Exchange listing will begin on the same day, February 13, 2024, under the ticker symbol DIAS and ISIN RU000A107ER5.

The decision was made taking into account the significant demand received under the Offer in order to provide investors with the optimal allocation.

Valuation of the company before the IPO - 40-45 billion rubles

Diasoft, a software developer for the financial sector and other sectors of the economy, on February 7, 2024 announced the indicative price range of the initial public offering of ordinary shares and announced the start of accepting applications from institutional and private investors for participation in the IPO.

As Diasoft representatives shared with TAdviser, the IPO price range is set at 4 thousand to 4.5 thousand rubles (inclusive) per share, which corresponds to the company's estimate of 40 billion rubles to 45 billion rubles, excluding funds raised as part of the IPO. At the same time, the basic size of the IPO will be up to 800 thousand shares, which corresponds to 8% of the number of shares issued and outstanding, the company said.

The main part of the basic IPO size is shares issued as part of an additional issue of the company in the amount of 500 thousand shares (5% of the existing authorized capital). To achieve a more significant IPO and create additional liquidity for shares in the secondary market, the current shareholders decided to offer investors a part of their securities in the amount of up to 300 thousand shares (3% of the existing authorized capital).

Also, within the framework of the placement of shares, the preemptive right of current shareholders to purchase shares is provided. However, according to Diasoft shareholders, it is planned to exercise the preemptive right in the amount of no more than 100 thousand securities (this amount is included in the total volume of the additional issue of 600 thousand shares). Thus, it is expected that if shareholders exercise the preemptive right, the basic size of the IPO proposed for acquisition at the Moscow Exchange will not change. In addition, Diasoft shareholders will provide a stake of up to 15% of the basic IPO size for possible stabilization within 30 days after the start of trading.

As a result, the total size of the IPO can be up to 4.14 billion rubles. The IPO price will be determined following the end of the application collection period, which will end tentatively on February 14, 2024.

Diasoft intends to use the funds raised to implement its long-term growth strategy, while ensuring higher volumes of dividend payments in the coming years. According to Diasoft CEO Alexander Glazkov, the company's entry into the public market will help it significantly expand the boundaries of its business.

"In addition to increasing market share in the segment of enterprise software for financial the sector, we intend to increase the company's presence in large and promising segments - corporate software for all sectors of the economy (class solutions ERP) and, public sectors system software and software production tools," the head of the company added.

It is expected that the placement of investors on the Moscow Exchange will be held on February 15, 2024, and trading in the company's shares in the second level of the exchange's listing will begin on February 16, 2024 under the ticker symbol DIAS and ISIN RU000A107ER5.

The company's offer will be available to Russian qualified and unqualified investors - individuals, as well as to Russian institutional investors. It is possible to apply for the acquisition of shares through Russian brokers.

Intention to conduct an IPO on the Moscow Exchange

Diasoft, a software developer for the financial sector and other sectors of the economy, announced its intention to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) of ordinary shares listed on the Moscow Exchange. The company has scheduled a share listing and the start of trading in February 2024. This information was shared with TAdviser on February 1, 2024 by Diasoft representatives.

The main part of the company's offer is expected to be shares issued as part of an additional issue. At the same time, in order to achieve a more significant IPO size and subsequent liquidity, existing shareholders can also offer investors a part of their shares. According to Diasoft estimates, according to the results of the IPO, the share of the group's shares in free float (free-float) may be about 8%.

It is assumed that the funds raised by the company during the IPO will be used to implement a long-term growth strategy, while providing higher volumes of dividend payments in the coming years. At the same time, according to Diasoft, the deal will make it possible to implement an effective program of motivation for the company's employees, increase brand recognition among potential customers and partners and create liquidity in shares on the Moscow Exchange.

It is planned that in the event of an IPO, the company and its existing shareholders will assume standard obligations that limit the alienation of shares within 180 days after the completion of the IPO. Within its framework, a stabilization mechanism will also be structured for a period of 30 days after the start of trading.

The company expects to attract a wide range of investors, including institutional investors, clients of private banks and retail investors.

Consolidation of 100% of shares of New Athens by Diasoft Group

Diasoft, a software developer for the financial sector and other sectors of the economy, announced to TAdviser on January 29, 2024 that it had completed the consolidation of a 100% stake in New Athens (JSC), a member of Diasoft Group. Read more here.


8th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"

Diasoft took 8th place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of such solutions in 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest DBMS developers in Russia"

Diasoft took 4th place in the ranking of the largest developers DBMS in, Russia prepared TAdviser in October 2024 on the basis of the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of their own DBMS in 2023. More. here

Data for 2023

Doubling of office space in St. Petersburg after receiving new contracts from banks

Diasoft doubled the office area in St. Petersburg after receiving new contracts from banks. The press service of the company told about this on November 24, 2023.

It is specified that Diasoft rented the entire floor with an area of ​ ​ 700 square meters. m in the business center Alia Tempora in the Central District of St. Petersburg, while the company previously occupied 300 square meters. m in BC "Steels Platinum.

BC Alia Tempora
The growth of the company is due to the signing of large contracts with banks from the top 5, so we are expanding and hiring people, "Leonid Rubinov, regional director of Diasoft, explained to Vedomosti.

According to him, in connection with the active development of the company over the past two years, the need has formed to expand the office in St. Petersburg twice. It was decided to look for a location within walking distance from two metro lines, in close proximity to the Moscow station, which is justified by the need to support regular communications with the head office and customers in the capital.

Diasoft has its head office in Moscow, branches in St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Cheboksary, Perm, Novosibirsk, Voronezh and Samara. By November 2023, the company operates over 1.2 thousand. IT professionals.

Leonid Rubinov, talking about the new office in Alia Tempora, noted that here the space is organized in different formats: there are offices for individual work or the work of a small group, open space for the development of an open corporate culture and space for stimulating ad hoc communications, teamwork areas, meeting rooms and kitchen. The building of the business center is located next to the Mayakovskaya and Ploshchad Vosstaniya metro stations. How much Diasoft will rent new office space in St. Petersburg is not specified.[2]

Why everyone is frightened by information security, and why it is always expensive

To most, and sometimes the "security" themselves, it is not always obvious what information security (information security) is and what is included in this concept. Why is the conversation between information security specialists incomprehensible to the rest? Why is information security difficult and expensive? Why are there so few highly qualified specialists on the market and how to find them? In this article, we will tell you what information security is, and give examples from life. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 10.4% to RUB 8,500 million

At the end of 2022, Diasoft's revenue increased by 10.4% to 8,500 million rubles. In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 61st place.

5th place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"

Diasoft took 5th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the development and implementation of BPM solutions in Russia in 2022 and published in December 2023. More details here.

Obtaining licenses for information protection activities

Diasoft on January 11, 2022 announced the receipt of licenses confirming the company's high competencies in the field of working with confidential information and encryption (cryptographic) means:

  • License of FSTEC of Russia for technical protection of confidential information No. 3993 dated 08.10.2021 with the types of services: b, d1, d2, d3, e4, e5, e6.
  • License of the FSTEC of Russia for the development and production of means of protecting confidential information No. 2040 dated 09.11.2021 with the types of services: a4, a5, a6, b4, b5, b6.
  • License of the FSB of Russia for activities related to encryption (cryptographic) means, No. 18457/N of 11.06.2021 with the types of services: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28.

The FSTEC license for technical protection of confidential information confirms the possibility of providing information security services to clients: vulnerability analysis, audit, design of information protection systems, development of organizational and administrative documentation.

Thanks to the FSTEC license for the production of IPS, Diasoft will be able to develop information protection tools - for example, for certification of the Digital Q.Security platform (formerly Diasoft FA#). The license of the FSB of Russia allows Diasoft to offer customers cryptographic protection, perform work on their installation and configuration.


Revenue growth by 13.2% to 7,700 million rubles

At the end of 2021, Diasoft's revenue amounted to 7,700 million rubles, an increase of 13.2% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 70th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.

Creation of RT-Diasoft to develop IT solutions, including for export

On October 5, 2021, Rostec announced the creation of a joint venture (JV) with the Diasoft group. The new company was named RT-Diasoft. It will develop and implement IT solutions, including for export. Read more here.


Revenue - 6,800 million rubles

At the end of 2020, Diasoft's revenue amounted to 6,800 million rubles.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of Russian IT solutions"

Diasoft is included in the rating "The largest suppliers the Russian IT- solutions by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in May 2021. More. here


Inclusion in the Top 5 Global Financial IT Providers

On June 8, 2020, Diasoft announced that it had entered the top 5 global suppliers of IT solutions for the financial industry and received Major Player status according to the annual report of the analytical agency Forrester. The company not only became a vendor from Russia, presented in the report, but also significantly improved its position in the ranking, confirming business growth in 2019.

Every year, as part of the Global Banking Platform Deals Survey, Forrester experts collect and analyze market participants' data on the volume of transactions concluded with new and permanent customers in the previous year. Based on the information on the results of 2019, the agency prepared a report "Stagnation continues in the banking platform market, with small banks turning to fintech companies" (The Forrester Report: The Banking Platform Market Remains Stagnant, Thought Smaller Banks Are Turning to Fintechs).

The authors of the report emphasize that modern banking platforms allow market participants to more effectively solve problems of improving customer experience and increasing the value of their offers. In order to help banks in choosing the most suitable solutions for this, the report provides an analysis of the results of the activities of 35 global suppliers of banking systems, on the basis of which we can conclude which companies managed to maintain and expand their presence in the market, which functionality is most in demand and which vendors are leading in certain regions.

The high rating and inclusion of Diasoft in the list of five world leaders in the development and supply of banking solutions once again confirms the company's confident position in the financial technology market and the demand for software products developed by Diasoft.

Transition from vendor model to consulting model

Against the background of digital transformation in banks, Diasoft began to transform itself, moving from a vendor model to a consulting one, Alexander Glazkov, chairman of the company's board of directors, told TAdviser in February 2019. The task of the vendor is to offer the market a product that would be many times cheaper for financial organizations than its own development, he says. And before "Diasoft" succeeded. But over the past three years, the situation has changed: this segment has become very innovative, and there are no mature ready-made solutions that meet the needs of digital transformation in the market yet.

Ripening decisions of a new class takes time, says Glazkov. Therefore, now vendors are forced to integrate into the process of bank transformation and jointly develop solutions with them. Due to this, the component of development in Diasoft projects has significantly increased. Read more here.

2018: Plans to increase staff in Perm branch by 2 times

On October 22, 2018, Diasoft announced that its Perm branch could double its staff in the next couple of months. One of the reasons for the company's scaling in the regions is the rapidly growing software development market, Diasoft explained. It is planned that at the beginning of 2019 at least 150 employees will work in the Perm office.

Perm office "Diasoft"

Diasoft invites not only experienced IT specialists, but also university graduates, engineers and programmers to cooperate. The main areas chosen by Diasoft to work in the Kama region are financial markets, insurance, management reporting. First of all, the company is interested in programmers, implementation engineers, testers and analysts.

Employees of the Perm branch, like their colleagues from Moscow, Yaroslavl, Cheboksary and Novosibirsk, will be able to participate in large projects of the company. As of October 2018, one of our key projects is preparing banks for a massive transition to IFRS 9. These are large-scale legislative changes in the field of accounting and reporting, so Diasoft specialists have real prospects for participating in the implementation of complex and interesting projects, - said Viktor Rusaleev, executive director of the Financial Markets business area of ​ ​ Diasoft.

2017: Information Security Competence Center

Diasoft announced in May 2017 the creation of a competence center for information security (information security) of software products of the Diasoft FA# and FLEXTERA lines. Diasoft's information security activities will allow banks to secure IT systems from recent cyber attacks and comply with the requirements of the regulator.

The main goal of Diasoft information security is to strengthen the protection of the information circuit of the bank in which the company's software products operate, and to reduce the likelihood of their hacking or fraudulent use within a credit institution. Special attention is paid to the detection of non-obvious risks and the development of an individual recommendation program.

2016: Huawei and Diasoft agree on cooperation in the financial industry

The companies began cooperation in 2015 and have already conducted a number of joint tests. Diasoft software solutions were tested on Huawei IT solutions (server and storage systems). The purpose of testing is to create technologically compatible hardware and software solutions for financial institutions. This solves the issue of interoperability between software and hardware levels, both during implementation and subsequent operation, which will ultimately reduce implementation and operational costs for customers. In addition, the required system speed is guaranteed, including at peak loads.

Further cooperation involves the joint development and subsequent implementation of optimal configurations of software and hardware platforms for the installation of banking systems in accordance with the requirements of specific customers. It is also expected that the signing of the agreement at the global level will give partners the opportunity to promote joint solutions in international markets.


TAdviser interview with Igor Shabanin on BI

In August 2014, in an interview with TAdviser, Igor Shabanin, Deputy Director of the BI Solutions and Reporting Department of Diasoft, spoke about the new FLEXTERA BI Analytical Reporting application.

See: Igor Shabanin: FLEXTERA BI is a finished product tested in combat conditions

Diasoft lost its contract in the United States due to its Russian origin

The domestic company Diasoft clearly felt a change in the geopolitical situation abroad. In the United States, a large commercial company refused to conclude a contract with it, despite the best indicators demonstrated following the results of the test task[3]


Growth of the company's income to 3.6 billion rubles (+ 31 %)

The company's income for 2012 increased by 31% compared to last year and reached 3.6 billion rubles.

Diasoft is first presented in the Gartner square

In September 2012, in the "magic square" of Gartner International Retail Core Banking Systems, ranking automated banking systems (ABS) according to the traditional for this analytical company gradations of "niche players," "applicants," "visionaries" and "leaders," for the first time two Russian developments of one supplier - Diasoft - FA# and Flextera products . The first was recognized by analysts as a niche player, the second as a contender. Natalia Bogoroditskaya, Marketing Director of the company, connects the appearance of products in the international ranking with the company's activity outside Russia. Diasoft has commercial offices in London and Shanghai.

"First, Gartner makes an offer to companies to participate in the study, in response to which you can provide your data," says CNews Bogoroditskaya. "Then the number of customers is estimated, the software itself from a technological, functional point of view, the supplier's position on the market, feedback from customers is collected, etc. Local players, mainly only international vendors, rarely get into the quadrants."

This time, 19 participants got into the September report of 36 applications in the final version. Of those in the leadership square, you can name Infosys, SAP, FIS, Oracle, Tata Consultancy Services. The applicant site with Flextera is divided by two solutions of the British Misys line BankFusion, and in the niche with FA# are the Lebanese BML IstiSharat and the British ICS Financial Systems.

The relatively recent service-oriented Flextera is written in Java Enterprise Edition. Of its customers, SMP Bank is known (the vendor announced the completion of the introduction of the module for countering money laundering) and the Unistream money transfer system, which signed a supply agreement.

Written in Delphi Diasoft FA# has existed for a long time, is the main product of the company and is implemented in many large banks (Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, etc.). Diasoft has repeatedly stated the component structure of its software and the ease of its integration with other, including competing, banking applications[4]

The Next Generation of FLEXTERA Products

FLEXTERA is the next generation of Diasoft software products, implemented in a layered architecture on the JavaEE platform in accordance with SOA principles. Its development began in 2005 and is being carried out in close cooperation with IBM.

FLEXTERA - positioned the solution with the following characteristics:

  • Financial Architecture FLEXTERA Financial Architecture integrates all of the Bank's products and information resources into a single entity. Makes it possible to quickly develop, break through, by choosing more than 60 fully ready-made functional modules and individual software services and include them in the current infrastructure through integration with third-party modules. Full-scale implementation of SOA.
  • Automation of business processes Financial architecture FLEXTERA is built on the basis of real processes of the Bank's work. Reproduces and controls the entire business process as a whole: all its stages, all employees participating in it - "leads" people through the process, simplifies their work and eliminates errors. Gives management operational performance management tools.
  • Full-featured solution FLEXTERA Financial Architecture automates the Bank's entire business: corporate, retail and investment. Supports the work of all divisions of the Bank: front office, risk management, back office, accounting. Offers out-of-the-box solutions for all key business processes in each banking division.
  • Industrial platforms FLEXTERA Financial Architecture is based on the infrastructure components of the world's leading suppliers: IBM, Oracle, Microsoft. Works on any hardware platform, including mainframes. Guarantees reliability and high operational properties of the created solutions.
  • Phenomenal performance Front office - no more than a second to respond to the work of 100 thousand users in 14 time zones. Back office - 8,000 planned interest accrual operations per second based on 100 million customer contracts. General ledger - 12,000 accounting transactions per second based on 2.5 billion account transactions.
  • Unlimited scalability Multi-tier architecture and widespread use of industrial technologies allow you to scale each level of the system and each of the business tasks it solves separately, timely identifying and eliminating bottlenecks and achieving high investment returns. Clustering - to centralize data and pool your own computing resources. "Cloud" computing - for finding and connecting additional capacity.
  • Flexibility and Manufacturability Integrated into the financial architecture, the toolkit allows you to configure the entire system and its individual automated processes in place, which significantly reduces the time to market of new products, services and saves on unreasonable costs.


IBM Agreement

In September 2011, Diasoft signed an important agreement with IBM and celebrated its 20th anniversary (watch video).

Diasoft's partners at this time are companies such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Fujitsu-Siemens, Intel, Sybase, Sun Microsystems, Informatica, Scorto Corp., Stins Coman and many others.

CMMI Development and Implementation Quality Certificate

In May 2011, Diasoft received CMMI for Development Level 3 certification, which confirms that the company uses the best methods for managing the quality of software development and implementation.

Zubarev - Managing Director

In January 2011, Diasoft changed its head. Dmitry Zubarev, who previously worked as the director of the Calculations and General Book department, has been appointed Managing Director. One of the founders of Diasoft, Alexander Glazkov, who served as managing director until the beginning of 2011, remained as chairman of the board of directors and headed the committees for the development of international business and strategy and investment.

The managing director of Diasoft was selected at the internal competition, which was held in 2009-2010. "During the year, we considered four candidates and settled on the candidacy of Dmitry Zubarev," Alexander Glazkov told CNews. "Dmitry also became chairman of the company's board and joined the board of directors."

"The main goal of the new appointment is to separate the roles of shareholders and operational management," says Alexander Glazkov. "The first on the board will focus on strategic issues, the second on current business management."

Glazkov intends to use the time freed from operational management to bring Diasoft products to foreign markets - primarily Europe and China. All current customers of Diasoft, according to him, are in Russia, although among them there are representative offices of foreign companies.

"In our five-year strategy until 2015, it is planned that 20% of the company's income will be in foreign markets," says Alexander Glazkov. "If we take the plan for 2015 separately, the percentage of foreign capital in revenue is much higher - 34%." The company expects to receive the first revenue from customers abroad in 2012.

Already in 2011, Diasoft intends to open small offices in London and Shanghai. The total investment program for the year is 180 million rubles, of which about 40 million rubles will fall on the international direction. The money is planned to be invested in the localization of products and the opening of branches, as well as in the creation of mobile teams of technical specialists who will be in Russia and travel, if necessary, to foreign customers.


The company's income is 1.56 billion rubles

The company's income grew in 2010 to 1,568 million rubles.

Joint Product Promotion Agreement with BSS

August 26, 2010 - BSS and Diasoft signed a partnership agreement to promote, distribute, support a joint solution consisting of software products:

  • Diasoft FA# Bank.Back File-Free Exchange Gateway with BS-Client RBS System is a software product of Diasoft;
  • The Diasoft FA# Fileless Exchange Gateway Integration Module is a software product of BSS.

According to the terms of the contract, Diasoft stops the development and promotion of its own solution of the Classic Client-Bank for Legal Entities class and Diasoft customers facing the choice of the Client-Bank system, recommends the RBS BS-Client system. The interaction of the Diasoft FA# ABS and the RBS BS-Client system is implemented through the software product Diasoft FA# Bank.Back File-Free Exchange Gateway with the RBS BS-Client system for legal entities, which provides integration and interaction with ABS through the external API level. These subsystems are delivered on a paid basis.

In 2010, the list of Diasoft clients was replenished with new names, including: VTB Management Company, Partner Management Company, Troika Dialog Management Company (Kazakhstan), VRB Moscow, Kraskombank, Koshekhablbank (GT Bank), Megapolis Bank, Perminvestbank, Investbank, SvLife IC and others.

In 2010, the modernization of the current generation of the company's products - the Diasoft FA# line - was completed: in the recent past, the monolithic client-server system has now been divided into separate specialized applications, between which a layer of inter-module and external API has been created - while certain parts of the complex system can now work on separate databases and servers. The release of the new version of the comprehensive Diasoft FA system# v.7.2 provided the necessary conditions for the subsequent transition of hundreds of company customers to the latest SOA technologies.

Introduction of FLEXTERA in JSCB SOYUZ, one of the largest universal banks in Russia. The bank expects that the latest SOA platform from Diasoft for the next 10-15 years will become the basis for the development of the SOYUZ infrastructure. The SOA approach to business automation was also chosen by other banks - FLEXTERA specialized modules support the business processes of such large financial companies as: Mercedes-Benz Bank Rus, Toyota Bank, BINBANK, Otkritie Design Bureau, Metallinvestbank, INTERPROMBANK, KIT Finance Insurance IC and many others.

Diasoft has strengthened its status as the largest project company on the market - in 2010, more than 600 client projects were successfully implemented. The company has done great work to improve and implement the best practices in project management, as well as quality management in the development and installation of software. This is confirmed by the international CMMI for development level 3 certificate received by Diasoft at the very beginning of 2011. The company became one of the first holders of such a certificate among the leading Russian software developers for banks.

In 2010, Diasoft developed and implemented a new approach to maintaining software products - it is based on an agreement on the level of service provision (Service Level Agreement SLA ,). The SLA is a fully open position towards customers. The quality criteria recorded in the SLA serve as a monitor for the company's customers, which gives an objective picture of the work of the company's support service, which allows you to more accurately establish the causes of possible problems and respond efficiently, and most importantly quickly, to them.

Inclusion of independent directors from the banking sector on the Board of Directors

In addition to Alexander Glazkov, members of the company's board of directors at that time are:

Also, in 2010, two independent directors from the banking environment were introduced to the board of directors - Petr Schmida (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank) and Maxim Safonov.

2009: Revenue growth to 1.95 billion including VAT. 840 employees

Annual revenue in 2009 amounted to RUB 1.959 billion (excluding deduction VAT). Russia Diasoft ranks 47th in the CNews 100: Largest IT Companies 2009 rating. As of the end of 2009, the company had 840 employees.

At this time, the company is promoting the comprehensive information system "Diasoft Financial Architecture FA#" (Diasoft Financial Architecture).

"Financial Architecture Diasoft FA#" is based on an architectural approach with the division of the entire range of solutions into front and back-office parts, as well as a comprehensive reporting system, which are implemented as separate software components and combined into a single information space of a financial organization through the Integration Platform. The Financial Architecture of Diasoft FA# includes solutions covering all business areas of credit and financial institutions:

2007: Revenue of RUB 1.48 billion (+ 54 %)

The total revenue of the company in 2007 amounted to 1,480,279 thousand rubles, which is 54.8% more than in 2006 at 955,977 thousand rubles (according to CNews Analytics).

1991-1992: 20 employees. Automation of more than 20 Russian exchanges

Company registration. The number of employees increased from 10 to 20 people. The company's revenues for two years amounted to 400 thousand dollars.

Key facts:

  • Creating your own software development technology.
  • Cooperation with the Congress of Exchanges.
  • Creation of an exchange automation system.
  • Organization of interregional trading on the basis of the Vilnius Exchange.
  • Automation of more than 20 exchanges. Russia

The first introduction of an automated banking system in KB Ugra (Megion, Tyumen Region) and KB Stroyinvest (Moscow).

Organization of the Advanced Development Group.

Creation of interbank clearing system together with Asian Banking Group.


Stock price dynamics

Ticker company on the exchange: MOEX:DIAS