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User software testing laboratories will appear in Russia

Customers: Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Vladimir Region

Vladimir; State and social structures

Contractors: Red Soft
Product: Red OS

Project date: 2022/11

2022: Agreement on the Creation of a Custom Software Testing Laboratory

User software testing laboratories will appear in Russia.

They will be created on the basis of organizations of secondary vocational education in the Vladimir region. This was agreed by the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Vladimir Region and RED SOFT, which announced this on December 23, 2022.

Students of colleges and technical schools in the region will be tested operating system in specially equipped computer classes. For the organization of laboratories, RED SOFT will provide the RED OS operating system, methodological materials, and also train teachers. It is under their leadership that students will learn to test RED OS. The results data will be recorded in a special protocol and sent to RED SOFT for their further development and improvement. operating system

The Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Vladimir Region is convinced that in the future such extracurricular activities may become an obligatory part of the educational process:

The development of IT in the country depends on the preparation of personnel. In user testing laboratories, students will get acquainted with the mechanism for developing Russian software, will receive the necessary skills for further employment in the field of information technology. The practical component is a prerequisite for nurturing new specialists who are ready to start work immediately after graduation. Moreover, we are confident that there are also those in the ranks of students who are already ready to demonstrate their skills to us, "said Svetlana Boltunova, director of the department.

As of December 2022, this is the first laboratory for user testing of operating systems in Russia. I am glad that we are opening it in the Vladimir region, where our main backbone of RED OS developers is concentrated. Thanks to such interaction with educational institutions of the region, RED SOFT will not only make an important contribution to the development of the future IT industry, but also gain a new look at the software product. It is important for us to receive a response from students, thanks to this we will be able to improve RED OS, - commented Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.