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Porsche e-fuel

Developers: Porsche
Date of the premiere of the system: December 2022
Branches: Transport

2022: Start of electric fuel production

On December 20, 2022, Porsche announced the start of production of the so-called "electric fuel," which could become an alternative to gasoline amid the growing popularity of electric vehicles.

e-fuel is a type of synthetic fuel that is produced using electricity from renewable sources. This can be, for example, biodiesel or hydrogen fuel. Electric fuel can replace traditional gasoline in cars with internal combustion engines, the number of which, as Porsche notes, is about 1.3 billion worldwide.

Porsche began producing electric fuel

The German automaker has launched a pilot production of e-fuel at a facility in Chile. At the first stage, Porsche expects to produce approximately 130 thousand liters of this alternative fuel per year. It will be intended primarily for the company's own needs, in particular, for the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup super bowl projects and Porsche Experience centers. Approximately by 2025, the volume of electric fuel production is planned to be increased to 55 million liters per year, and by 2027 - to increase tenfold, having achieved an indicator of 550 million liters per year. Ultimately, Porsche intends to supply e-fuel to oil companies and other market participants for further distribution.

Porsche says the potential for electric fuel is huge. To deliver it to end consumers, it is possible to use the existing refueling infrastructure, which will not require a multi-billion dollar investment in the construction of new stations, as is the case with electric vehicles. And at the same time, experts say, it will be difficult and extremely expensive to completely replace traditional fossil fuels with such an analogue. In addition, vehicles with internal combustion engines must still use oils to lubricate various units.[1]
