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Astra Group and Varton Group switched to Tantor DBMS

Customers: Astra Group of Companies

Moscow; Information Technology

Contractors: Tantor Labs
Product: Tantor DBMS

Project date: 2022/07  - 2023/01

2023: Move to Tantor DBMS

Astra Group and the Warton Group have transferred their 1C:ERP systems to Tantor DBMS running OCAstra Linux Special Edition. The migration was preceded by a piloting period, during which thorough checks of all functionality and load testing of the implemented solution were carried out. Domestic DBMS is already available to customers throughout the country. Astra Group of Companies announced this on February 17, 2023.

The migration covered more than 1,000 active "1C: ERP" users. The total volume of database clusters (DB) is 1 terabyte and 2.5 terabytes, respectively, with one cluster containing more than 25 databases, and the largest of them occupies about 500 GB.

The transition project started in early October 2022. At first, piloting lasted 3 months, during which comprehensive tests of the functionality of the Tantor DBMS as a whole were carried out, as well as when operating jointly with the 1C: Enterprise platform. A series of load tests were implemented in the company's current loops, and only after the successful completion of all checks was a complete migration.

The entire set of works performed within the framework of the pilot project made it possible to transfer the holding's 1C system to the Tantor DBMS in a short time, which is used in conditions of a very high load: several hundred users work in both companies at the same time, several thousand documents are introduced, a huge number of reports are formed in many business areas.

In addition to migrating to the Tantor DBMS, work was carried out to implement another product of the company Tantor Labs - the Tantor Platform. The solution is designed to manage and monitor databases developed on the basis of an open DBMS. PostgreSQL The platform made it possible to significantly facilitate the process of migration, bottlenecks and database optimization, data which significantly reduced labor costs and reduced the project time frame for the escort team. As functionality and advantages of the platform, one can single out a convenient and intuitive interface, a visual configurator of DBMS settings with a built-in adaptive service for prompting a large number of parameters, advanced monitoring and query profaler, DBMS log analytics and much more. Given the complexity of some queries (for example, query plans could contain 300 or more nodes), optimizing them without platform tools would take much longer. In the near future, the holding plans to connect all its own to the Tantor Platform, DB of which more than 200.

In 2022, we joined the Astra Group of Companies, and the migration of ERP systems in our companies to the Tantor DBMS is a logical step. We work and test our products on ourselves as part of the holding. This is a big responsibility, since business processes and the work of a large number of people in the group of companies depend on the quality and reliability of our products. In addition, the specialists conducted a number of comprehensive checks and work in terms of integration, and thanks to this we can 100% guarantee that the software stack works correctly even under increased loads. Practice has shown that using the Tantor DBMS is easy and convenient, and migrating to it from Oracle, MSSQL and any other commercial or open DBMS will not create inconvenience and will not slow down business processes, - comments Vadim Yatsenko, CEO of Tantor Labs.