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Tekhmashimpeks team trained at Kaluga Process Factory

Customers: Tehmashimpex

Chemical industry

Product: Lean Six Sigma Lin Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing Methods

Project date: 2023/02



Process Factory Training

Employees of the Tekhmashimpeks plant underwent training at the Process Factory. This training platform was created as part of the national project "Labor Productivity." At it, participants study lean production tools and immediately use them in practice when assembling a real device. This was announced by the Business Development Agency of the Kaluga Region on December 18, 2023.

The training is carried out by specialists from the Regional Competence Center (RCC), which is the operator of the national project. The center operates on the basis of the Business Development Agency of the Kaluga Region.

Tekhmashimpeks recently joined the national project, and its employees immediately began measures to introduce lean production tools. A working group has already been created at the enterprise, specialists are undergoing training. During the training, employees of the plant for the production of plastic products produced pump gearboxes, built assembly areas, QCD and logistics. The effect of the first steps to the transformations was not long in coming. According to the results of the training, the team went to virtual earnings of 167,700 rubles.

We really liked the training, 14 people took part in it - from foremen to the general director. I note that there were no caring ones left: we felt the cohesion of the team. At each stage of the tasks, they learned to analyze the risks and opportunities for improving production processes, - Oleg Kiselev, Quality Director of Tekhmashimpeks JSC, shared his opinion.

The training platform "Process Factory" was created on the basis of Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The main task of the participants is to work out three production shifts, fulfill the sales order, and also get a positive financial result. The first shift takes place in conditions as close as possible to a typical production organization. Next, the participants analyze the process and in subsequent shifts rebuild it in accordance with the concept of lean technologies. Thus, the factory performs several tasks: it demonstrates to participants how the use of lean production methods helps to improve processes, understand reserves and opportunities for development, and assess the impact of operating activities on financial results.

It is gratifying that training at the "Process Factory" takes place at the stage of implementation after diagnosis. Usually during this period there is a natural decline in enthusiasm, because it is necessary to move from ideas directly to implementation. At this moment, enterprises often face difficulties, then "Factory" serves as a new round of inspiration, - said the coach of the RCC Natalya Razinova.

Project result for 3 months

Kaluzhsky Tekhmashimpeks, in cooperation with the Kaluga Regional Competence Center, the company continues to introduce lean production tools at its production site in the Vorsino industrial park. This was announced on November 24, 2023 by the Agency for Business Development of the Kaluga Region, GAU.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer of plastic products is the Tekhmashimpeks plant - an enterprise with a high degree of automation and the production process requires minimal intervention, the management decided to join the national project "Labor Productivity." Participation in the project allows not only to meet high industry standards, but also helps the business to increase added value and increase revenues.

The company passed the day of informing on the results of work for 3 months. The project team, together with specialists from the Kaluga RCC, operating on the basis of the Business Development Agency, has done a lot of preparatory work. 12 employees of the enterprise were trained in 10 specialized courses. As part of the "Diagnostics and Planning" stage, a pilot flow (production of components for refrigerators) was selected and a reference area was created. A comprehensive analysis of the production process was carried out and the main factors affecting productivity were identified.

The project targets have been set: to reduce the process time by 57%, to increase production by 39%. The interim results of the work on the implementation of improvements in the enterprise inspire optimism in the plant management, and the working group is motivated for further work.

I am very pleased with the results of the project, because they give us the opportunity to reduce the cost of production. We will be able to use the released personnel in other operations, which will increase the efficiency of the enterprise, "said Zinaida Pan, CEO of Tehmashimpex OA.

Such results became possible thanks to the well-coordinated work of the Kaluga RCC and the working group of the enterprise led by Sergei Khomyakov, chief engineer of the Tekhmashimpeks plant, who shared his impressions of the project.

We could not imagine that so much attention would be paid to us, and we would get really working lean production tools from RCC professionals, "said Sergey Khomyakov.

Already in November 2023, the company is forming plans for 2024 to participate in exhibitions, including international ones, to find new customers. In the near future, Tekhmashimpeks plans to make a decision on the production of household appliances (vacuum cleaners) under its own trademark. Work in this direction has been going on for about a year: the design of the product has been determined, the market is being studied.

Joining the national project "Labor Productivity"

The Tekhmashimpeks enterprise became a member of the national project "Labor Productivity." In the Kaluga region, the operator of the national project is the Regional Competence Center (RCC), operating on the basis of the Business Development Agency, which announced this on March 20, 2023.

Techmashimpex JSC has been producing products by plastic injection molding since 2012. The production is located in the Vorsino industrial park, on the border of the Kaluga and Moscow regions. The plant is equipped with high-tech equipment. It allows you to make both small products weighing from 1 gram, and components for household appliances and cars weighing up to 40 kilograms. The company's production facilities make it possible to process up to 300 tons of raw materials per month.

We expect from participation in the national project to reduce labor costs, optimize production processes, and improve the working conditions of employees. We want to become more competitive in the market and create new conditions for the development of the company as a whole, - said Sergey Khomyakov, chief engineer of Tekhmashimpeks JSC.