Customers: RWE Rhein-Ruhr AG Contractors: PSI Logistics (PSI) Product: PSItmsProject date: 2003/04
The RWE Rhein-Ruhr AG company is the largest regional supplier of energy carriers in Germany. In addition to electric power distribution, gas and water, RWE offers the clients (including to large utility and industrial consumers) a set of related services, such as transport for construction objects, substations, warehouses and bases.
In 2003 the network company RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice made the decision to integrate the transport applications in the uniform management tool transportations (TMT), and to integrate it into the platform of logistics management (LMS) where in addition to TMT also interact as among themselves, so through EAI with SAP a warehouse management system (LLS), the GIS server, the server mobile communication (MKS) and also the web portal.
Implementing the platform of logistics management, the RWE company pursued the following aims:
- Logistic processes without ruptures of communication
- Joint data storage of all components of a system
- The accelerated reaction terms
- Timely providing information for planning of transportations
For implementation of these intentions it was necessary to create the IT system supporting basic processes of the organization of transportations. Treat them:
- Obtaining transport orders from a warehouse management system or from the web portal
- Automatic planning of routes and manual disposition
- Possibility of intervention of operators during runs
- Determination of transportation costs (the fact and the plan) for drawing of invoices
The PSI company developed the IT concept which implements the described requirements by means of a management system for transport. This concept is based on the powerful platform which provides a flexible basis for implementation of a system of the organization of transportations of RWE.
System modules:
- Information management
- Order management and offers
- Control of transport
- Implementation of transportation
- Calculation of carrier cost
- Control function by orders and offers supports obtaining transport orders from a warehouse management system or from the web portal and also all process of formation of the offer, from a request of the client and drawing of the offer to the transport order.
In a management system for transport orders by means of formation of transport chains are distributed along optimal routes. Different types of routes are direct routes, individual runs, the fixed routes, runs along the main routes. On the basis of automatic planning of a route the operator can optimize routes in an interactive mode. After permission of routes they can be exposed to control and, in conclusion, calculation.