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Paradise (catheter for the treatment of hypertension)

Developers: ReCor Medical
Date of the premiere of the system: March 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Ultrasound catheter announcement

In the first half of March 2023, it became known that specialists from the Irving Medical Center at Columbia University and researchers from the University of Paris successfully tested a catheter for the treatment of hypertension.

The system, developed by ReCor Medical, is called Paradise. The principle of its work is renal denervation: this is a method of treating high blood pressure, which is to disrupt the functioning of the renal nerves using a minimally invasive approach.

Paradise Hypertension Catheter

It is noted that hypertension is a common age phenomenon, but it can also occur in middle age. Lifestyle changes can help many patients, but in some cases this is not enough. Leaving high blood pressure unchecked can lead to various adverse effects. However, there are no available methods that directly affect the renal nerves in order to treat hypertension. The Paradise system was created to solve the problem.

The device is a catheter that can be advanced through the vasculature until it reaches the kidneys. Then the ultrasonic transmitter is activated, which causes a violation of the activity of the renal nerves. The clinical study involved more than 500 middle-aged patients with hypertension of varying severity. Paradise was found to reduce daytime outpatient blood pressure by an average of 8.5 points.

The results were almost the same in different groups of patients: this shows that the device can reduce blood pressure in a wide range of people. As soon as the system becomes available, we plan to recommend it to patients who first tried other treatments, "said Ajay Kirtane, one of the study participants.[1]
