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2023/05/04 11:37:21

Export and import of medical services in Russia


Russia's Foreign Trade

Main article: Russian Foreign Trade

Medical Devices Market in Russia

Main Article: Medical Devices Market in Russia


2022:92% increase in medical services exports to $729.9 million

The revenue of Russian clinics from the export of medical services in 2022 amounted to $729.9 million, which is 92% more than a year earlier ($378 million), and 30% higher than planned. This is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, published in April 2023.

According to the statistics of the department, the export of medical services from Russia in comparison with 2019, when there was no COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, by the end of 2022 increased by 55%, and the number of foreigners treated in Russian clinics increased by 300%, to 3 million people. Due to which such dynamics was achieved, the ministry does not explain.

Russia has increased the export of medical services

According to Larisa Popovich, director of the Institute for Health Economics at the Higher School of Economics, citizens of the LPR, DPR, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions could be included in last year's statistics on the export of medical services. The number of refugees who arrived in Russia from the territory of Ukraine and Donbass in 2022 was estimated at 5.3 million people, including 738 thousand children.

According to the Ministry of Health, in 2022 the number of treated foreign citizens amounted to 12 million people - as a result, the indicator of the federal project "Development of export of medical services" was exceeded by 43%.

As part of this project, Russia planned to earn $1 billion by 2024 - four times more than it was in 2017 ($250 million). However, the pandemic has made adjustments to the plans of the Ministry of Health: due to closed borders and restrictions on movement, the income of Russian medical organizations from foreign patients decreased in 2020 from $223 million to $197 million. The Ministry of Economic Development predicted that it would take at least three years to restore the market at least to the level reached before the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, in 2022, lawmakers in Russia limited some types of medical care for foreigners: for example, they are now not entitled to use the surrogacy program in the country.[1]
