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Баннер в шапке 2


The anti-virus cloud represents infrastructure which is used for processing of information arriving from users on purpose timely to recognize new, earlier unknown threats. The cloud antivirus does not demand any excess actions from the user - he just sends a request concerning the suspicious program or the link. At confirmation of danger all necessary operations are performed automatically. High speed of reaction to the new threats and the low level of false operations provided with cloud computing potentially can make them irreplaceable in the anti-virus industry.

Collecting and processing the arriving information, cloud protection works as the powerful expert system which is continuously analyzing cybercriminal activity. This, necessary for blocking of the attacks, are instantly transferred to all to participants of a cloud, preventing large-scale virus epidemics.

Speed of identification and blocking of threats of clouds considerably exceeds the classical anti-virus analysis. If signature updating requires several hours, then when detecting threats of cloud-services it is about minutes. At the same time, as practice shows, the probability of false operation is at least 100 times lower, than at classical detecting.

Cloud computing does possible identification not only threats new, unknown earlier, but also defines sources of their distribution. And, unlike normal anti-virus updates, algorithms of identification of harmful content are unavailable to malefactors to a research.

The only essential lack of cloud antivirus protection (and all cloud-services in general) is the dependence on a stable communication channel.