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The medicine connected to the web with a corporate portal

Customers: Meditsina, JSC

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C-Bitrix: Management of the website

Project date: 2010/04  - 2010/10


The project team from the customerIntegrator Consultant
Mikhaylovskaya Oksana (Online projects manager)
Borisov Pavel (Project manager)

Now patients of JSC Meditsina can solve a huge number of tasks using the portal of the company. Implemented the project 1C-Rarus on the platform 1C-Bitrix.

Before network

The management of JSC Meditsina as the platform for the website and the blog selected 1C-Bitrix. The contractor selects 1C-Rarus company.

In network

On the website of clinic patients use more than 10 convenient services, basic of which:

  • Making an appointment in the online mode;
  • Viewing clinical record;
  • Consultations with specialists;
  • Change of the district doctor;
  • Control of a complaint/claim;
  • Calculation of cost and application for the Agreement;
  • Payment of services of clinic.

Separate service for insurance companies is started.



Pavel Borisov, project manager from outside 1C-Rarus: "The project was executed within 5 months that is a deadline. As a result the website, and the tool for patients turned out not just. We penetrated into production processes of clinic, converting them into Internet services. The big role in the project was played by department of information technologies of JSC Meditsina. The project is successfully implemented thanks to the developed internal information system of clinic".


Oksana Mikhaylovskaya, the project manager from JSC Meditsina: "The project is considered successful. Now we actively add new features and services on the website. Potential clients obtained complete and reliable information about clinic that allows them to make a choice in our advantage. A feedback with our permanent patients is provided".