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MTS EnergyTool

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Mobile TeleSystems (MTS)
Branches: Power
Technology: Big Data,  ASKUE

The main articles are:

EnergyTool is a set of software solutions that will help optimize the organization's energy costs, identify suspicious subscriber activity and automate data collection and analysis processes.

2025: Obtaining a Patent

PAO, MTS digital ecosystem, January 23, 2025 announced the receipt patent of EnergyTool for the energy analysis system. The development of MTS on the basis AI algorithms machine learning of and allows you to quickly identify anomalies in electricity consumption, among which farms are automatically allocated and localized mining.

The document confirms the exclusive right of MTS to a unique invention - an IT solution for finding losses and thefts on power networks. The decision passed a state examination, which confirmed the innovative level of the decision and its exceptional importance for power. The document confirmed the exclusive right of MTS to provide software under license.

The IT solution of MTS EnergyTool identifies faulty metering devices and mining farms from 2021. MTS clients include more than 10 large federal and regional energy companies, as well as industrial enterprises.

The EnergyTool software and hardware complex allows you to detect subscriber metering devices with low readings in real time using a self-learning model, as well as identify specific sections of the network with mining farms. The statistical model of the EnergyTool platform analyzes the data on the power consumption of subscribers loaded from smart sensors into the automated electricity metering system (ASCUE), and identifies the characteristic signs of theft. Suspicious subscribers are displayed on the map in an interface that is convenient for planning team visits. Thanks to the platform, operational teams effectively use predictive analytics to analyze locations and are on average 3 times more likely to detect incidents.

In addition to analyzing big data, MTS helps power grid and sales companies to comply with the requirements of legislation on updating electric meters with building a centralized system based on ASKUE. Improving the security and accuracy of data collection helps reduce enterprise costs.

Since the beginning of 2024, our solution has made it possible to discover several hundred mining farms in the service area of ​ ​ our customers. The leaders among the regions of Russia in terms of the number of illegal mining farms were the North Caucasus and the Irkutsk region. Underground extraction of digital currency poses a serious problem for the energy systems of the regions. Hundreds of devices from one digital enterprise consume an entire urban area's annual electricity in just a month. Often this leads to network overload and emergency blackout for ordinary consumers. In addition, from each counter, attackers receive up to 100 thousand rubles of illegal savings - these are the funds that power engineers spend on repairing infrastructure and purchasing equipment for power lines. Our comprehensive solution contributes to the legalization of mining farms, allowing power grid companies to adapt energy consumption to the needs of both business and citizens, - said Pavel Fedosov, head of the IoT direction of MTS.

2023: Ability to detect areas of the network where theft occurs

According to MTS for July 2023, EnergyTool is a platform for finding commercial losses in power grids, operating on the basis of Big Data technologies and artificial intelligence.

The EnergyTool solution allows you to timely detect metering devices that transmit low readings and identify specific areas of the network where theft occurs. The statistical model of the EnergyTool platform analyzes the power consumption of subscribers based on loaded data from meters and automated power metering systems (ASCUE) and identifies characteristic signs of theft. The estimated areas where thefts occur are displayed on the map in an interface that is convenient for planning team visits.