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Perspective charity community organisation



2023: Launch of a site with vacancies for applicants with disabilities

The job search site, where vacancies are placed only for applicants with disabilities, is launched by the Regional Public Organization of People with Disabilities "Perspektiva" within the framework of a project implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund and Vladimir Potanin's charitable foundation. Perspektiva announced this on June 19, 2023.

The creation of such a service is a step in the employment of people with disabilities, which Perspektiva has been engaged in for more than 15 years. The advantage of the site is not only that a specialist with a disability can find an interesting vacancy and respond to it, but also that on the portal you can find out current news about upcoming events and projects "Prospects" aimed at training and employment.

As of June 2023, the site has more than 70 vacancies - from a massage therapist to developer 1C or an accountant for both experienced and novice specialists. Students with disabilities can also find temporary part-time or internship options for themselves. Employment options are very different - both traditional work in the office, and, remote work format which allows you to expand the geography of applicants. I.e. Applicants with disabilities can respond to such vacancies both from and Moscow from other regions. Russia

Among the employers whose vacancies are presented on the website: Rosbank, OZON, First Freight Company, Evraz, Barilla.

Navigating the site is simple - just choose the right job, study it and send a response. You do not need to start a personal account on the portal, it is enough to fill in the data in a special response form and inform the employer of the data (name, city, contacts, as well as the group and form of disability). In addition, you will need to attach a file with the applicant's resume. After that, the specialists of the employment department of ROOI "Perspektiva" will study your response and transfer it to the employer.