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The Ministry of Transport has created a digital platform for drone access to a single airspace in Russia

Customers: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Project date: 2023/06

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation created a digital platform to integrate civilian drones into a single airspace system. The head of the department announced this on June 21, 2023 during a government meeting with the president. Russia Vladimir Putin

We, among other things, created two digital platforms based on the results of the meeting under your chairmanship of April 27. The first platform allows you to take into account the data of unmanned vessels with a maximum take-off weight of 150 g to 30 kg, - said Savelyev (quoted by TASS).

The Ministry of Transport has created a digital platform for the integration of civilian drones into a single airspace system

According to him, the second platform allows providing access to drones to the airspace: submitting flight plans according to the principle of one window to the State Air Traffic Management Corporation (ATM GC) and determining the launch and landing location using a digital air navigation map.

According to Kommersant, the digital flight plan submission system (SPPI), created by the ATM Group and the Almaz-Antey concern, has been chosen as a platform for ensuring the access of drones to a single airspace. The Federal Air Transport Agency confirmed the information to the newspaper and clarified the platform will work by September 1, 2023.

By June 22, 2023, the State ATM Corporation is consulting with the regions on obtaining permits from municipalities to fly over settlements through the SPPI digital system. Similar work is being carried out with law enforcement agencies: with the help of SPPI, it is proposed to inform them about the legality of the flight.

By June 2023, the ATM GC does not have enough personnel and technical means for the one-time integration of drones, said Sergei Gubanov, first-class dispatcher, instructor of the dispatch simulator at the University of St. Petersburg. In his opinion, for full functioning, SPPI should have much more functionality than the currently available set of air routes, routes and call and exit schemes.[1]
