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Federal Air Transport Agency Rosaviatsia


State and social structures
Since 1964
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
37 Leningradsky Prospekt, GSP-47, Building 2, 125993.




+ Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The federal executive body is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The Federal Air Transport Agency was formed within the framework of administrative reform in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09.03.2004 No. 314 "On the system and structure of federal executive bodies" [1] (as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 20.05.2004 No. 649, dated 14.11.2005 No. 1319, dated 23.12.2005 No. 1522, as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 15.03.2005 No. 295, dated 27.03.2006 No. 261).

Formally, the Federal Air Transport Agency is a newly formed body, but in fact it was created on the basis of previously existing structural divisions of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and specialized federal executive bodies that carried out state administration in the field of air transport.

At the same time, the Federal Air Transport Agency cannot be considered the successor to the State Civil Aviation Service of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, since its functions are currently distributed between three federal executive bodies: the Federal Air Transport Agency, Rostransnadzor, and the Ministry of Transport of Russia (Department of State Policy in the Field of Civil Aviation).


The main functions of the Federal Air Transport Agency are:

  • Coordination of the implementation of federal investment programs in the field of aviation;

  • Provision of services to ensure the operation of air transport (except for the use of airspace and air navigation services for users of airspace of the Russian Federation);

  • Licensing of operators and their admission to flights on domestic and international lines (issuance of operator's certificates);

  • Certification of organizations engaged in organizational support of aircraft flights;

  • Supervision of the activities of state educational institutions in the field of aviation.



31 electronic public services, certification of one document. The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency spoke about the digitalization of the department

The Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) provides more than 70% of services in digital format. On August 1, 2024, the head of the department Dmitry Yadrov reported to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.

According to Yadrov, the Federal Air Transport Agency provides a total of 43 government services. Of these, 31 are provided entirely digitally through the Unified Public Services Portal. At the same time, 10 public services are fully optimized. By the end of 2024, it is planned to optimize 21 more services, while 17 services will be optimized by more than 50%. As part of the digitalization of the department, work is underway to reduce the number of submitted documents and accelerate user service.

source = Russian Government Website
Mikhail Mishustin's meeting with the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Dmitry Yadrov on August 1, 2024

As an example, Yadrov cited a service for issuing an airworthiness certificate. Thanks to digitalization, the provision of this public service decreased by 70%, while the number of documents submitted decreased by 50%. The certification process of maintenance and repair organizations accelerated by 60%, and the number of documents submitted decreased from five to one. In the direction of accreditation of certification centers and laboratories, it was possible to reduce the period of provision of state service by four months. Certification of developers and manufacturers of aviation equipment (in particular, new aircraft) accelerated by two and a half months.

Optimization work is also underway in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The timing of the provision of state services for the accounting of drones decreased by 50%, while the number of necessary documents decreased from eight to one. In the field of international transportation for Russian airlines, the term for the provision of public service has been reduced by two and a half months.[1]

Searches were carried out in the central office of the Federal Air Transport Agency in the case of the illegal withdrawal of 59 aircraft abroad

On February 7, 2024, searches were carried out in the central office of the Federal Air Transport Agency in the case of the illegal withdrawal of aircraft abroad, including the Il-76 and Mi-8.

According to Izvestia, citing two sources close to law enforcement agencies, searches took place in the cabinets. about. Head of the flight safety inspection department Kristina Byvalina and deputy head of the department of state registration of civil aircraft, rights and transactions with them Pyotr Kozyrev. One of the interlocutors of the newspaper clarified that the FSB seized items and documents that confirm the illegality of the actions of employees of the Federal Air Transport Agency and a number of other persons.

source = Rosaviatsia
Searches were carried out in the central office of the Federal Air Transport Agency in the case of illegal withdrawal of aircraft abroad

A criminal case of negligence (part 1 of article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was initiated against Kozyrev, Byvalina and her former deputy Anna Zhiltsova. According to Izvestia, the latter was fired in June 2023, one of the reasons was an anti-war poster at the workplace and a negative attitude towards the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. In addition, it is alleged that Byvalina is also involved in another criminal case - on abuse of office (part 2 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The reason for the criminal cases was the verification of the activities of the Federal Air Transport Agency for the state registration of civil aircraft and the maintenance of the corresponding register. Employees of the Federal Air Transport Agency, allegedly, from the beginning of the military operation, aircraft and helicopters were removed from registration, violating presidential decrees and government decrees. They removed the courts from the state register without a full set of documents and provided contradictory and inaccurate information about the presence of ships outside Russia.

With such violations, from March 2022 to June 2023, 59 aircraft illegally left the Russian jurisdiction, established. Ministry of Transport Of these, 36 - the Federal Air Transport Agency withdrew from registration in connection with the sale abroad. The buyers of 21 aircraft were residents of non-member states, EEU eight were sold to "unfriendly" countries. The interlocutors of the publication noted that the change in the jurisdiction of aircraft was the main reason for the resignation of the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexandra Neradko in September 2023. "[2]


Appointment of Dmitry Yadrov as head

On September 15, 2023, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Dmitry Yadrov as head of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia). The former head of the department, Alexander Neradko, was relieved of this position. Read more here.

Ban on employees using iPhones

The Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) has banned its employees from using Apple smartphones at work. This was announced on July 31, 2023 by TASS, citing a source in one of the major airlines.

Banned, - said the interlocutor of the agency.

Rosaviatsia banned employees from using iPhone

According to him, restrictions were also introduced in the State Corporation for the Organization of Air Traffic, the Administration of Civil Airports, as well as in the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation.

State bodies and companies began banning iPhones at work after the FSB reported disclosing a US intelligence action using the virus on Apple mobile devices. According to the FSB, several thousand smartphones of the American manufacturer were infected. In addition to Russian users, the special service also discovered a virus on the gadgets of foreign subscribers using sim-cards registered with diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia. We are talking about the infection of devices of employees of diplomatic agencies of NATO countries and the post-Soviet space, as well as Israel, Syria and China.

After that, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that employees of the presidential administration also cannot use Apple mobile devices for work purposes. According to him, everyone knows that "these gadgets are absolutely transparent," and therefore their use in official communication is prohibited.

In addition, Joseph Pu, adviser to the President of the Republic of South Africa on cybersecurity, said that government representatives should stop using Apple devices. He noted that government representatives should not be allowed to walk from the iPhone and iPad.[3]

On the basis of the Federal Air Transport Agency, they began to create competence centers for drones

On May 19, 2023, the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) announced the creation of centers of competence for unmanned aviation systems on the basis of the department and subordinate organizations. The corresponding decision was made at a meeting chaired by the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko. The event was also attended by the heads of structural divisions of the Federal Air Transport Agency and representatives of subordinate organizations: FSUE State Corporation for ATM, FSUE State Research Institute, FAU Aviregistro.

As noted in the Federal Air Transport Agency, by May 19, 2023, the department is faced with the task of simplifying the requirements for drones weighing less than 30 kg, while revising the airworthiness standards for heavier drones, as well as optimizing certification procedures.

Rosaviatsia announced the creation of competence centers for unmanned aviation systems

The meeting also discussed proposals for the formation of the federal project "Infrastructure development, security and the formation of a specialized certification system for unmanned aircraft systems." The project is planned to be sent for approval to interested departments.

As reported, President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on the development of the ALS industry at the end of April instructed the Ministry of Transport to carefully work out the topic of digitalization of drone traffic control, noting the lack of efforts on this issue from the Federal Air Transport Agency.

If the Federal Air Transport Agency will work in the same mode as today, as on regular aircraft, then we will not have any development of unmanned aircraft... It is necessary to switch to digitalization of air traffic organization. If the Federal Air Transport Agency is able to start this work, then let them do it, if not, then we will have to create some kind of parallel organization, otherwise nothing will work, "Putin warned, addressing Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev.[4]


The digitalization of the Federal Air Transport Agency will be led by an employee, about whom the department decided to remain silent so as not to harm the reputation

The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosavicia) Alexander Neradko in July 2022 appointed Tatyana Kocherova to the post of head of the digital transformation and support department. This was reported by the profile telegram channel "Aviatorshchina"[5]attaching a copy of the appointment document. Read more here

Cyber ​ ​ attack, as a result of which there was a transition to paper document management

At the end of March 2022, the Federal Air Transport Agency was subjected to a massive cyber attack, as a result of which the department was forced to switch to paper document management. This was reported in the telegram of the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko (the document is at the disposal of the RBC publication).

According to this telegram, the refusal of electronic document management is associated with "a temporary lack of access to the Internet and a failure in the electronic document management system of the Federal Air Transport Agency."

The procedure for document management is determined by the current instruction on workflow. Information interaction will be carried out via the AFTN channel (for urgent short messages), courier mail and mail "Russian Post," the text says.[6]

The Aviatorshchina Telegram channel, citing a source in the Federal Air Transport Agency, writes that as a result of a hacker attack, about 65 TB of data were destroyed: the entire document flow, files on the servers were erased, the Public services system were removed and all incoming and outgoing letters were lost for a year and a half.

The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency himself, Alexander Neradko, in the comments to Moskovsky Komsomolets, denied that the hackers managed to get at least some information.

Now a huge number of federal executive bodies, many companies, both with and without state participation, are subjected to a large number of DDoS attacks. We are no exception. We have to do work to reflect them. The last attack was also repelled, he stressed.

Angara Security Special Projects Director Alexander Dvoryansky, in a conversation with Kommersant, noted that an organization at the Rosaviation level, as a rule, creates backups of significant resources every few hours in automatic mode. Therefore, the system can be restored as soon as possible.

2019: Arrest of the head of the legal department Vladimir Mishko

In April 2019, the head of the legal department of the Federal Air Transport Agency Vladimir Mnishko and the head of the lawyer's colleague Mezhregion Sergei Yuriev were taken into custody, they are accused of especially large-scale fraud in the amount of 1 billion rubles.

In June 2019, they extended the preventive measure until the end of September.

In the course of the case, it was established that the Federal Air Transport Agency approved a transaction for the provision of legal services to Mezhregion for FSUE State ATM Corporation in the amount of 378 million rubles. in 2015, and since 2008 there have been 3 such transactions for a total amount of 960 million rubles.

Questions from the investigation arose precisely to the last transaction, justification and conclusion of the contract, which was signed by Nikita Danilov, Deputy General Director of FSUE State ATM Corporation.

2015: Almaz-Antey failed to modernize the unified system of the Federal Air Transport Agency

In February 2015 , the Accounts Chamber reported on the results of the audit of the targeted and effective use of federal budget funds under the modernization program of the Unified Air Traffic Management System of the Russian Federation for 2009-2020, for which the Federal Air Transport Agency is responsible. Подробнее по #.2A2015:_.C2.AB.D0.90.D0.BB.D0.BC.D0.B0.D0.B7-.D0.90.D0.BD.D1.82.D0.B5.D0.B9.C2.BB_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B2.D0.B0.D0.BB.D0.B8.D0.BB_.D0.BC.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B7.D0.B0.D1.86.D0.B8.D1.8E_.D0.B5.D0.B4.D0.B8.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B9_.D1.81.D0.B8.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B5.D0.BC.D1.8B_.D0.A0.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.B0.D0.B2.D0.B8.D0.B0.D1.86.D0.B8.D0.B8/ ссылке.
