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Rosatom delivered the first batch of isotopes to India for the diagnosis of cancer

Customers: Esente Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Project date: 2022/11  - 2023/06

2023: Delivery of first batch of germanium-68/gallium-68 generators

The state corporation Rosatom"" began supplying Russian isotope products in. India This was Zdrav.Expert reported by representatives of the Health Technologies division of the state corporation on July 5, 2023.

ROSATOM will increase the supply of Russian isotope products to India
Gallium-68 generator manufactured by CJSC Cyclotron

The first batch of germanium-68/gallium-68 (Ge-68/Ga-68) generators manufactured by CJSC Cyclotron (g) Obninsk was delivered "("Isotope All-Regional Association" part of the division) "Rusatom Healthcare" under a contract with local distributor medical destination products. Esente Healthcare

Under the terms of the contract during the year, B/O Isotope will supply the Indian side with a total of 40 Ge-68/Ga-68 generators.

Earlier, with the assistance of B/O Isotope, a marketing authorization was obtained from The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization of India for the commercialization of generators Ge-68/Ga-68 a Russian manufacturer.

The Ga-68 isotope is used in nuclear medicine to diagnose a large range of oncological diseases on PET scanners and allows more than 100 thousand diagnostic procedures worldwide annually.

The supply of germanium-68/gallium-68 generators under a contract with distributor Esente Healthcare opens up opportunities to expand the presence of Rosatom State Corporation in the Indian nuclear medicine market, as well as to ensure an increase in trade in isotope products between our countries, - said Anton Shargin, Deputy General Director of V/O Isotop JSC for commercial issues.

"V/O Isotope is the official supplier of products of the isotope complex of ROSATOM State Corporation to the international market and a key supplier of these products to the domestic market. As of July 2023, among the partners of V/O Isotope JSC there are 170 foreign companies located in 50 countries of the world, and about 600 organizations in Russia, including medical institutions, industrial enterprises and scientific organizations.

Previously, V/O Isotope had already supplied isotope products to India. In particular, in 2017, Russian radiation sources based on the curium-244 isotope manufactured by SSC NIIAR JSC (part of the Rosatom scientific division) were supplied to the Physical Research Laboratory (Ahmedabad, India) for use in the APXS X-ray spectrometer to study the surface of the moon.[1]
