Customers: Benkala Mining Company Contractors: Desnol Soft Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. TOIR Equipment Repair and Maintenance ManagementProject date: 2022/03 - 2022/10
Number of licenses: 10
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2022: M&R automation due to the implementation of the KORP 1S:TOIR and integration with 1C: Integrated Automation
In 2022, Desnol Soft completed a project to automate MR processes in the Benkala mining company (Kazakhstan). Due to the implementation of the solution 1S:TOIR KORP and integration with the 1C : Integrated Automation system, it was possible to reduce the duration of unplanned downtime of equipment, by 80% the time required to write off materials was reduced. It is planned to replicate the solution to other production sites of the company.
Automation results
1. The demand for materials is now formed on the basis of agreed plans-schedules of WEP. The time for preparing data for the formation of a maintenance budget has decreased by 80%. It used to take a few weeks for the Chief Mechanical Officer to prepare the data for the maintenance budget. They had to collect information about spare parts, coordinate it with contractors and economists of the company. Now, thanks to the new system, this process takes much less time. For example, specialists who maintain the fleet of equipment form a maintenance schedule in the KORP 1S:TOIR, then send a report to the planning and economic department and OMTS. This makes maintenance cost planning faster and based on objective facts.
2. The duration of unscheduled equipment outages associated with the need for urgent procurement of materials has been reduced. Based on the created demand for materials, it became possible to plan a reasonable purchase of spare parts and materials for several months in advance. As a result, purchase requests for consumables are submitted on time.
3. The MRO automation project made it possible to structure the NSI data in the accounting system1С: КА. The integration of the 1S:TOIR with the 1S:KA combined data on equipment, its technical condition, planning and repair, as well as the organization of procurement of materials and spare parts. The system includes data on the fuel balance, which made it possible to automate accounting and control over fuel costs, as a result, control over equipment was significantly simplified, the process of planning repair work was accelerated, it became easier to manage spare parts, materials and fuel. This made it possible to reduce the cost of repair and maintenance, to increase its efficiency.
4. The company has prepared a base for analyzing the root causes of defects and downtime of equipment. Root cause analysis will help the company develop optimal production strategies taking into account planned repairs of equipment, prevent the recurrence of problems in the future and improve the efficiency of the entire company.
5. Based on the results of the implementation and use of the KORP 1S:TOIR solution at the Bencala Group of Companies in early 2023, management decided to replicate to other production sites of the company. In addition, the KORP 1S:TOIR was integrated with the GPS monitoring system in order to automatically receive telemetry data, track the operating time of the equipment and its mileage. The plans include setting up monitoring of performance indicators after entering the item into the accounting system and launching the functionality of providing repairs with the necessary spare parts.
Economic Impact of the Implementation of the CORP 1S:TOIR
- The time for the chief mechanic's department to prepare data for budget formation was reduced by 80%;
- 80% reduction in the time to write off materials;
- Processing and preparation of orders (applications) accelerated by 90%;
- The duration of repairs was reduced by 20%;