Customers: Mercury Technology, Ltd company Moscow; Logistics and distribution Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2010/10
The works on automation of accounting, tax, operational accounting in Merkyyuri Technology LLC are completed. The implementation project was implemented by 1C-Rarus company.
Growth caused need
With increase in volume of the processed information, in Merkyyuri Technology LLC the consolidated information on nine separate divisions of the company for accounting under RAS and internal standards, the analysis activity of these enterprises for providing the detailed reporting to the management, shareholders, investors was demanded. It was necessary to create the automated control system providing better data for the analysis of activity of the company.
As the partner the 1C-Rarus company is attracted to project implementation.
Products on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform became a basis of an information system: 1C: Accounting 8 CORP (for consolidation of information at head office), and, considering geographically distributed structure of the company, "the Alpha Car: Car showroom, Car service, Auto parts" (for accounting of operational activity of branches on places: sales, service maintenance, repair of agricultural machinery).
Current of the project
In a work progress are automated:
- Accounting of spare parts
- Accounting of the equipment
- Conducting works of service
- Payroll
- Accounting of loans, calculation of percent on loans
- Regulated accounting
In the course of implementation:
- 1. The unified information system for conducting accounting and tax accounting on all 9 separate divisions is created.
- 2. In a system the main reference books, including on cost items, an other income and expenses are unified.
- 3. Report forms are developed for preparation of the internal reporting under analytical signs necessary for the company.
- 4. Consolidation of data on all separate divisions in the central information base is provided.
- 5. It is provided transparent data on work with the credits and loans.
- 6. Accounting of cash flow is automated, it agrees to the policy of accounting admitted to the companies.
Work result
As a result of implementation formation of the monthly reporting for the management, shareholders, investors is provided according to internal standards of the company, receivables are reduced by 10% and the set-up time of the regulated reporting in state is several times reduced. bodies.
The management received the instrument of control, the analysis and objective assessment of results of work of all divisions of the company.
Natalya Kudryavtseva, the chief financial officer of Merkyyuri Technology LLC noted that the information system created on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform allowed to build independently necessary reports (setting their parameters in a system) that gave the chance quickly to prepare necessary data for providing them in head office. The management can keep track of efficiency of activity as separate branch, defining its profitability, and all company in general. Ensuring transparency of activity of the company for owners and investors is reached.