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Sela restarted CRM strategy and increased the share of loyal buyers 5 times

Customers: Sela

Moscow; Trade

Project date: 2023/02  - 2023/08

2023: Customer Information Storage Analysis

Russian the brand clothes Sela in 2023 analyzed systems storing information about buyers and restarted CRM the strategy. The new tools and mechanics were based on principles omnicanality and personalization. As a result, the number of buyers ready to return to the brand has increased 5 times. The company announced this on September 7, 2023.

Analysis of current systems made it possible to understand whether, based on current information about buyers, it is possible to draw up a full-fledged client path from the moment of the first touch with the brand to the loss of contact. After that, tools and mechanics were identified that would help "care" for buyers in order, on the one hand, to be unobtrusive, and on the other, timely and useful.

Evaluating their own resources and offers of partner services, marketers and brand analysts decided to implement the main mechanisms by the inhouse team. First of all, it was determined: on what events buyers will relate to various segments and what interaction algorithms to apply to them. All calculation logic has been programmed in the corporate data warehouse, integration with the internal loyalty points service (MS DAX) and the external email distribution system (Mindbox) via the data bus has been configured.

Buyers were divided into segments that can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • familiarizing themselves with the brand and forming their presentation based on experience of interaction;
  • active buyers who are willing to return for repeat purchases at least 1-2 times a season;
  • ready to say goodbye to the brand.

Brand CRMs have set up trigger communications, the content and date of shipment of which corresponds to each stage of the customer's life cycle, and also used this segmentation to plan mass activities.

As a result, the share of repeat purchases has doubled and is more than half of all purchases. Also, the average number of purchases per person increased by 30% and the share of customers ready to say goodbye to the brand decreased 1.5 times. And the number of buyers with high brand loyalty has increased 5 times and today brings a third of all revenue.