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APP Rotor (1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0)

Customers: APP Rotor

Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

Project date: 2020/01  - 2022/12
Number of licenses: 186

2022: Implementation of the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 solution

Project objectives:

  • Elimination of double data entry in different systems;
  • Organization of transparent and up-to-date accounting of commodity movement in a single system;
  • Automate mutual settlement with counterparties;
  • Automation of precious metals accounting;
  • Ensure separate accounting in accordance with the 275-FZ and BARS;
  • Ensure operational control of the production process;
  • Automate the production planning process;
  • Ensure uniform and rational loading of equipment;
  • Ensure the calculation of the planned and actual cost of production in the context of orders;
  • Automate accounting and tax reporting;
  • Automation of internal document flow business processes;
  • Develop a basis for the development of budget accounting at the enterprise and key master budgets;
  • Get tools for operational and long-term planning, enterprise analysis, efficient resource allocation, and assessment of your organization's capabilities.
  • Transfer the maintenance of personnel accounting and payroll calculation into a single information system according to the same rules.
  • Automation of the personnel planning process, recruitment of personnel from the moment of demand formation to hiring, training of personnel at the workplace.
  • Automation of the processes of the Department of Labor and Wages and the Department of Occupational Safety and Environment.
  • Automatic generation of internal and external reporting.

Pre-implementation situation, company information:

  • Earlier, the enterprise used 9 disparate accounting information systems, both independently developed and standard solutions, of which none were based on "1C" and office applications.
  • Suboptimal integration between systems led to the following negative consequences: double input of information, lack of a single NSI, disparate information space and, as a result, manual accounting for BARS.
  • There was no volumetric scheduling in the enterprise, planning came from sales orders without using automated systems. The self-developed information system for production accounting did not allow to obtain a complete and reliable cost of finished products and own semi-finished products, as well as keep records of costs in the context of orders. There was no possibility of operational control over materials, PKIs and semi-finished products, precious metals included in their composition in warehouses and in production.
  • A significant part of the accounting and tax statements, as well as returns, were filled out manually.
  • Budget accounting was carried out manually in MS Excel tables with no relationships between different forms of budgets, this greatly hampered the prompt receipt of reliable information about actual data in the required detail.

The entire document flow of the company was carried out completely in manual mode, in this regard, the process of approving the documentation was quite long, it was not possible to control the deadlines for the execution of documents.

Uniqueness and innovation of the project: On the eve of the start of the project, an analysis of business processes was carried out, as a result of which a number of restrictions were identified that did not allow the optimal implementation of the system. At the stage of the pre-design survey, work was carried out to eliminate these restrictions and optimize various internal processes.

At the first stage of the project, employees were trained in standard ERP functionality, which further simplified understanding and improved interaction with stakeholders during the stages of modeling business processes. There was also training in the configuration of internal enterprise IT specialists in 1C systems, who at the time of implementation did not have the appropriate experience for the possibility of self-support and refinement of the system.

Within the framework of the project, 863 improvements were implemented. The key ones are:

  • A functionality has been developed that allows you to record, track and analyze the movements of precious metals as part of the nomenclature at the enterprise;
  • You have developed a new work center "Setting Standard Standard Costs for Orders and Planned Cost Estimates," which allows you to automatically generate standard documents for setting standards for each of the departments for calculating planned cost estimates;
  • A new work center "Mass Processing of Parts" has been developed, designed to reflect in the system the operations for processing parts by the workshop-executor from several related and/or unrelated production stages. As a result of using the work center, standard documents are automatically generated to reflect the release of products and record the actual consumption of materials.
  • A new work center has been developed for employees of the Technical Control Department "Control in Production." This workplace allows you to record the results of incoming inspection of purchased materials received for repair, as well as control the quality of manufactured parts.
  • A new work center "Processing Semi-Finished Products Requirements" has been developed, in which you search for free residues of manufactured semi-finished products in storerooms and transfer them to storerooms, where consumption will occur during the production process for the selected production order.
  • A new work center, "Collective Production Lot Formation," has been developed that allows you to combine and perform group processing of Production Steps included in the collective batch that meet certain conditions.
  • A refinement has been implemented that allows you to use several collateral schemes for the item.
  • The mechanism for planning the production schedule has been finalized: the schedule is calculated both taking into account the main and alternative work centers, the best option is proposed.
  • The mechanism for determining the delivery date in the Transfer Order documents has been improved.

The operational loop includes the following units: sales, purchasing, warehouse accounting, treasury, fixed assets, cost accounting, as well as order-based production accounting. When implementing these units, the requirements of the 275-FZ were taken into account.

The regulated accounting was implemented taking into account the maintenance of separate VAT accounting, as well as separate accounting of costs in the execution of BARS contracts, with the possibility of automatically filling out the report "Execution of BARS contracts." During production planning, the calculation of the production schedule is automated, taking into account the availability of work centers, the delivery dates of materials and the time for technical control and military acceptance.

As part of the implementation of the Budgeting unit, work was carried out to identify and configure sources of actual data for a significant number of budget items (more than 450). You have set up a relationship between different types of budgets to minimize manual filling. The implementation of the document flow automation unit based on the 1C: Document Flow 8 program took place in an extremely short time: 13 working days passed from the first installation meeting to the transfer of the system to commercial operation. During this period, work was carried out to collect requirements, simulate processes, create interfaces and sets of user rights, complete all the necessary regulatory reference information, and set up automatic processing of document types.

Project results:

As a result of the implementation of the information system, the following results were achieved:

  • A single information space was created, which made it possible to consolidate the company's operational activities in one enterprise management system;
  • Normalization and unification of reference books was carried out;
  • Minimized the number of manual operations and double data entry;
  • The accuracy and completeness of data on all business processes is ensured, sufficient for both the current needs of the enterprise and for the future development of the system;
  • Automated processes for collecting and recording data previously carried out manually, which led to a decrease in the labor intensity of their implementation, expanded the detail and transparency of the information received;
  • New analytical capabilities provided both employees and heads of departments and divisions with broad and detailed information about the company's activities;
  • The deadline for receiving information on the fulfillment of customer orders has decreased;
  • The use of adapted and newly developed automated workplaces significantly reduces the time to perform accounting operations in production units;
  • Reducing the volume of illiquids, reducing the turnover time of raw materials and materials through the use of tools for operational control over the remains and movement of materials;
  • Flexible response to changes in production volumes and terms;
  • Due to the optimal load of equipment, the deadlines for fulfilling orders were reduced;
  • Due to the prompt calculation of the total cost of production, it was possible to increase the efficiency of cost management;
  • Separate accounting of costs is carried out in accordance with the requirements of 275-FZ and BARS;
  • Accounting and tax reports shall be prepared and completed based on the system data;
  • Interrelated forms of budgets are set up with sufficient detail to provide information for operational financial management of the enterprise;
  • The work with incoming and outgoing correspondence, on accounting for contracts, documents, has been transferred to electronic document flow, control over the execution of orders has been set up.
  • Created a single information space for personnel accounting and payroll, which made it possible to establish interaction between the accounting department and the human resources department;
  • Personal accounting systems and remuneration management were implemented;
  • The reliability and completeness of data on business processes related to the selection and training of personnel, personnel accounting, payroll and other accruals, sufficient for both the current needs of the enterprise and for answering questions from regulatory authorities, is ensured;
  • The functionality of the program "1C: Payroll and HR Management of 8 KORP rev. 3.1" provided human resources department and accounting specialists with the opportunity to receive any information about employees of the enterprise and accrued wages using flexible settings of various standard reports;
  • It is possible for the specialists of the Department of Occupational Safety and Environment to prepare documents for a planned and unscheduled special assessment, to promptly keep records of medical examinations and briefings of employees;
  • The number of manual operations and double data entry decreased;
  • Normalization and unification of reference books was carried out;
  • The efficiency of the company's employees has been increased by reducing labor costs for the formation of regulated reporting in the Federal Tax Service, extra-budgetary funds and Rosstat.

Solution Architecture and Project Scale:

Number of automated workplaces: 186 1C products and services implemented during the project:

1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2:

  • Sales management (planning, orders, contract accounting, sales accounting, settlement accounting, return accounting, reporting, repair accounting is automated through the functionality of the subcontracting scheme);
  • Purchasing management (planning, orders, settlements)
  • Inventory accounting (goods in terms of shelf life, goods in terms of characteristics and batches of the nomenclature, warehouse and transport logistics);
  • Cash management (planning, cash flow);
  • Accounting of fixed assets (control of equipment, overalls and overalls);
  • Provision of services and cost accounting;
  • Production planning (formation of plans, construction of production schedule);
  • Production accounting (order-based, operational accounting);
  • Regulated accounting;
  • Separate accounting and formation of the cost of production under the BARS;
  • Budgeting.

1C: Document Flow 8:

  • Control of orders and tasks;
  • Event Management;
  • Delegation of rights and authority during vacations;
  • Forum;
  • Processing and monitoring of incoming, outgoing and internal documentation;
  • Document routing, configurable for each document type individually;
  • Signing of EDS documents;
  • Automatic filling of document files by template;
  • Full-text search of documents by their content;
  • Versioning of documents;
  • Categorization of documents;
  • Accounting and storage of documents and files of any types;
  • Built-in mail with the ability to process documents from a letter;
  • Seamless integration with 1C:ERP;
  • Reporting (Presentation of final information to management, data analysis, operational control, printing of official documents).

1C: Salary and Human Resources 3.1:

  • A methodology was developed in "1C: Payroll and HR Management of 8 KOP Rev. 3.1" for maintaining personnel accounting and payroll calculation, taking into account specifics;
  • The methodology for the distribution of payroll accruals in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 information system for orders with further loading of information into 1C: Payroll and HR Management of 8 KOP Rev. 3.1 has been finalized;
  • You have transferred master data and current accruals from previous HR and payroll systems;
  • The process of keeping records of employee training in "1C: Payroll and HR Management of 8 KORP Rev. 3.1" has been automated;
  • Integration "1C: Payroll and HR Management of 8 KORP Rev. 3.1" with recruiting sites has been set up to speed up the recruitment process.


  • Users use the thin client of the 1C Enterprise platform;
  • Server applications "1C:Enterprise 8" is located on a separate hardware server;
  • Configuration Data Base (MS SQL) is located on a separate hardware server.

The software product "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" was chosen as the system for implementation, since it is a modern, flexible, constantly developing system of domestic production, which is quite easy to adapt and modify for the needs of enterprises.

Work was carried out to reorganize and optimize the business processes of the enterprise:

  • The methodology of maintenance in the information system "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2 "of the volumetric scheduling functionality, taking into account the specifics;
  • The methodology of reflection in the information system "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2 "Production Accounting. The developed methodology took into account all the features that are present at the enterprise (combined production batches, partial production, quality control in the production process using scanners stroke coding, scrap rates, rework, secondary raw materials, subcontracting scheme);
  • Batch (serial) accounting has been implemented, taking into account shelf life;
  • The methodology of maintenance in the information system "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2 "of separate accounting functionality under the State Defense Order.

A comprehensive implementation of the system was carried out, and unique business processes were automated:

  • The unit of the technical control department has been automated;
  • Automated accounting of precious metals in the composition of materials and products in the section of batches;
  • Pricing system, as well as discount system for civilian products;
  • Pricing system for special products taking into account the requirements of the 275-FZ;
  • The process of installing analogues for the item for basic materials has been improved;
  • Cash flow planning;
  • Management of credit resources;
  • Additional access rights system;
  • Automatic accounting and distribution of materials and equipment by areas of disposal of materials and equipment;
  • Exchange between "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2 "and the PLM system" Intermech. "

The system was simultaneously launched in all key departments and divisions of the company:

  • Labor and Wages Department - OHS;
  • Sales Department;
  • Material Resources Support Department - OMR;
  • Planning and Economic Department - PEO;
  • Production and dispatching department;
  • Technical Control Department;
  • Metrological Measurement Department;
  • Accounting;
  • Production units;
  • Information and Analytical Department.