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T Plus Robotized Financial and Accounting Transactions with PIX RPA Platform

Customers: T Plus (formerly KES-Holding. Integrated Energy Systems)

Moscow; Power

Product: PIX RPA Platform

Project date: 2023/05  - 2024/10

2023: Implementation of PIX RPA Platform

On October 9, 2023, PIX Robotics announced that T Plus, one of the largest private companies in the field of thermal power, is introducing a domestic software robotization system to optimize the efficiency of business processes. The target platform for robotizing processes was the Russian PIX RPA platform.

According to the company, as of October 2023, RPA technologies have already been introduced into the processes of the company's financial and economic activities. In particular, robotization of processing bank statements and a number of accounting operations was carried out. Robotization optimizes the performance of routine operations.

The technologies that T Plus uses in October 2023 were created by domestic companies. This is completely import-substituted software that ensures the technological sovereignty of the developed solutions.

In the company, if we are talking about the financial and economic block, a large amount of routine operations that take a lot of time for employees. Therefore, the main task that the introduction of robots solved was the ability to reorient personnel to solve more important problems, transferring part of the functionality to robots. As a result, modern technologies allow you to optimize the efficiency of using employees' resources. Work in this direction continues for October 2023, and in 2024 robots on the PIX RPA platform will appear in other divisions.

noted Boris Makevnin, Director of Digitalization and Information Technologies, PJSC "T Plus"

"Digital employees" become full-fledged participants in the workflow in routine tasks and where the use of other technologies is impractical. The versatility of the RPA platform allows you to use a certain set of functions depending on the type of problem being solved, which determines the wide range of applications of the technology for T Plus processes. The company plans to further develop the robotization competence center to maximize the resulting effects.