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2023: Launch of production of unique additives that make asphalt eternal. 68.4 million rubles were invested in it

In October 2023, Russia launched the production of unique additives that make asphalt eternal. 68.4 million rubles were invested in it.

We are talking about the project of the company "Plastkor" in the city of Kingisepp, Leningrad Region. The local company has organized the serial production of polymer modifiers to improve the performance of asphalt pavement. With the help of them, you can improve the performance of asphalt concrete, including increasing its thermal and crack resistance, resistance to deformation and gauge formation, the developers say.

In Russia, launched the production of unique additives that make asphalt eternal

In addition, it is stated that the modifier allows you to reduce the cost of asphalt and reduce the carbon footprint from its production. Thus, direct introduction of modifiers into the asphalt mixing plant and the "dry" method of producing the mixture exclude work with the modified bitumen production unit. In this case, the release of heat, resins and oils is reduced.

Road workers have already laid trial batches of asphalt with new domestic additives in the Leningrad and Tver regions, as well as inside the Moscow Ring Road. The first tests showed that the asphalt created by this method is stable, has high strength and water resistance.

Funds for the implementation of this project were provided by the Industrial Development Fund (FRP). 23.5 million rubles were allocated in the form of a preferential loan under the federal-regional program "Development Projects," another 10 million rubles were provided by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Leningrad Region.

According to Ivan Kozlov, general director of Plastkor LLC, after reaching the design capacity, the plant will be able to produce about 8 thousand tons of products annually. This volume will be enough to modify up to 3 million tons of asphalt concrete mixture, which will make it possible to equip more than 1750 km of high-quality asphalt roads per year, he said.[1]
