Customers: RailingGlavSnab Moscow; Construction and Construction Materials Industry Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Project date: 2021/04 - 2023/06
Number of licenses: 11
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2023: Automation of accounting using PP "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade and Customer Relations Management (CRM) "at PerilaGlavSnab LLC
About Customer and Project
The introduction of 1C: Trade and Customer Relations Management (CRM) in PerilaGlavSnab LLC ensured strict compliance with the delivery time for goods and 10% sales growth.
PerilaGlavSnab LLC is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of railings and staircases made of stainless steel.
The products of PerilaGlavSnab LLC are supplied throughout Russia. To manage sales, strictly comply with the shipping and delivery dates of the goods, the company required an accounting tool.
The solution was proposed by the managers of 1C-Rarus. During the negotiations, they held a presentation of the program "1C: Trade and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)," showed how the customer's business processes are reflected in the accounting system using functionality.
The automation project combined the work of the sales department, purchasing managers, and the storekeeper into a single information space. Due to the coherence of the team, order processing began to be carried out 2 times faster.
The issue of controlling the delivery time of products has been resolved, when placing an order, the employee sees what goods are available and ready for shipment, and which will arrive in the near future. The order execution is monitored at each stage. Deviations in order deadlines have become unlikely.
A tool for building interactions with customers has been put into operation, meetings, negotiations and shipment of goods are planned. 10% more initial calls end with sales with further recommendations. Minimized the risks of information loss, accumulates a history of working with clients.
The convenience of customer interaction and sales management helped to find new markets for sales and actively expand the geography of supplies.
For the management of PerilaGlavSnab LLC, the 1C: Trade and Customer Relations Management (CRM) accounting base has become an indispensable tool in managing the company, and 1C-Rarus has become a reliable partner in the implementation and support of accounting systems.
The following functions are automated:
- ABC/XYZ Sales Analysis
- Settlements with customers
- Settlements with suppliers
- Wholesale trade
- Customer Ordering
- Ordering suppliers
- Calculation of standard cost of orders
- Retail
- Warehouse Inventory Management
- Inventory Receipt Accounting
- Pricing, Price Lists
- The Internet version of ITS and ITS Internet services are used
- Consulting is carried out on methodological issues of working with the 1C program
- Consulting is carried out on technical issues of working with 1C software products
- Preferential support has been issued 1S:ITS
Works performed
The following works were performed:
- Delivery of software products to the customer's office
- Individual training at the customer's office
- Consulting on the choice of software and options for its maintenance
- Initial Settings for Standard/Industry Solution (Program) to Start Accounting
- Selling Selected Products
- Installing Software on Customer Computers
2021: Automation of accounting using PP "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade and Customer Relations Management (CRM) "at PerilaGlavSnab LLC
The company "PerilaGlavSnab" has improved the work with buyers through the implementation of the program "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). "
PerilaGlavSnab is a leading manufacturer of railings and staircases in the Moscow region. It offers customers both ready-made models for economy-class stairs, as well as complex and exclusive designs.
To maintain leadership in the market, it is important for the company to continuously improve internal processes, in particular, building relationships with existing customers and attracting new ones. To achieve these goals, it was decided to purchase and implement the 1C: Enterprise 8 software product. Trade and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). "
For the introduction of the information system, they turned to the 1C-Rarus company, which has been implementing similar projects for many years. The implementation passed quickly and without problems, thanks to the preparation of the information base for work and available consulting assistance at the start of the program.
Summing up the project, the benefits gained are highlighted:
- It became possible to store the history of cooperation. When contacting a client, the manager sees information about the buyer and builds a dialogue based on the characteristics and preferences of the customer;
- The number of successful transactions has grown;
- Managers actively use convenient tools to quickly order, prepare a contract and send a request to production. The need for multiple information entry is eliminated, interaction within departments has been simplified. Errors and inaccuracies were reduced;
- It became more convenient to control warehouse stocks, which helped to organize the timely delivery, production downtime is not allowed;
- For regular buyers, favorable terms of cooperation are offered. The program helps to control the implementation of contracts, the provision of discounts, the timing of payments and deliveries;
- The director of the company received a tool for effective management. business
The following functions are automated:
- ABC/XYZ Sales Analysis
- Settlements with customers
- Wholesale trade
- Customer Ordering
- Calculation of standard cost of orders
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Warehouse Inventory Management
- Pricing, Price Lists
- The Internet version of ITS and ITS Internet services are used
- Consulting is carried out on methodological issues of working with the 1C program
- Consulting is carried out on technical issues of working with 1C software products
- Preferential support has been issued 1S:ITS
Works performed
The following works were performed:
- Delivery of software products to the customer's office
- Individual training at the customer's office
- Consulting on the choice of software and options for its maintenance
- Initial Settings for Standard/Industry Solution (Program) to Start Accounting
- Selling Selected Products
- Installing Software on Customer Computers