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Rusagro automates corporate document management using the Tessa platform

Customers: Rusagro GC

Moscow; Agriculture and fishing

Contractors: Synthellect
Product: Syntellect Tessa

Project date: 2023/04
Number of licenses: 1500

2023: Implementation of EDMS on the TESSA platform

Agroholding Rusagro"" automates corporate electronic document flow on the platform. TESSA The company Syntellect announced this on January 15, 2024. The system will also combine data the processes of a geographically distributed company within a single digital circuit. The project is being implemented within the framework of the entire holding, which includes more than 20,000 employees.

Business automation is one of the priority areas of activity for Rusagro, and management does not cease to invest in the development of IT, and this applies to both basic software and the introduction of new digital technologies. The development and implementation of digitalization projects is carried out by a subsidiary of Rusagro Tech. It was she who conducted the process of pre-project selection of the corporate electronic document management platform, in which all employees will work.

The platform implementation project is associated with the centralization of all processes of Rusagro Group of Companies. At the time of the decision to implement a single EDMS, different divisions used more than 5 local systems in which processes were built and developed independently. A number of processes were built on the basis of OpenText software, which is no longer serviced by the vendor, which created additional difficulties with further development. To improve business efficiency, it was decided to provide employees with a single, fast and convenient tool for working with electronic document management.

The list of platform requirements included 250 items. The key is high speed, user-friendly interface, flexibility and ease of process configuration. At the pre-project selection stage, 13 systems were considered, and only three of them were suitable for all basic requirements. The next stage included selection for additional items related to information security. The only platform that was able to meet all the stated criteria was the TESSA platform. The vendor confirmed compliance with the requirements of the FSB of Russia with the FSTEC certificate for information protection, in addition, it is possible to flexibly configure access rights depending on the type of role appointed by the administrator.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to create a customized solution, deeply integrated with all information programs of the agricultural holding, more than 10 different systems in total. This is a human resources management system, user rights management, various accounting systems - production enterprise management (1S:UPP) and 1C:ERP, as well as highly specialized programs such as the Digital Farmer b2b-Marketplace, designed to automate work with raw material suppliers, and internal CRM.

The implementation of TESSA unifies a number of key processes of the holding - this is agreement on the contract, agreement on a memo, agreement on an application for a pass and much more. All this will make the movement of documents more transparent, ensure the management of process changes, speed up coordination procedures, and improve the quality of reporting and manageability of the company as a whole. In the future, integration with the EDM operator is also provided for the organization of legally significant document management.

Already at the initial stage of project launch, we can talk about simplifying the work of a number of employees: earlier they needed to coordinate documents in four different systems, this happens in one digital field. In the near future, memos and a number of other documents will exist only in TESSA, which will exclude unnecessary work and allow employees to focus on strategic tasks, "said Evgeny Podolsky, project manager at Rusagro Tech.