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Flero Dating Service

Developers: Intellitech Solutions - FZCO
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/01/09
Last Release Date: 2024/05/27
Branches: Internet services


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Run a food preference search

Dating service Flero and food mall Depot have launched a search for food preference partners. Now Muscovites who are in search of interesting communication can find their gastronomic soulmate. The company announced this on May 27, 2024.

It works like this: when filling out the "interests" block in the service, you can choose your favorite cuisine from Italian to Mediterranean. After that, in addition to general parameters, artificial intelligence will begin to take into account data on gastro preferences when calculating the percentage of compatibility with potential partners. And in order not to pull with tasty dates, the section "Where to go today?" Was added to the personal profile of users - establishments from there can be sent to a soulmate in a chat with an offer to visit them at a discount.

This collaboration is a new format for interaction between people.

The partnership provides our users with a great opportunity to explore the culinary world of their beloved city, along with those who share their taste preferences. Choosing among the variety of culinary corners of the Depot, Flero users can plan safe dates and meetings that will not only enrich their social life, but also allow them to go on a gastronomic trip. Combining love of food and finding soulmate through culinary preferences is a new step towards deep and meaningful relationships, "said Alexander Davydov, co-founder and CEO of the dating app based on psychological and mental compatibility Flero.

Now users of the Flero platform who are actively looking for communication and meetings can choose the Depot food mall for an event and tasty time with soulmate. Our goal is to create a new type of tasty social activity, - said Ksenia Manastyrly, Event manager of the Depot.

Application View

The dating app Flero, which selects a partner for comprehensive personality analysis, has entered the market. This was announced on January 9, 2023 by Intellitech Solutions - FZCO.

In Flero, artificial intelligence determines compatibility and selects partners in socionics, astrological parameters, human design and other tests. This dating application was launched by Russian developers.

Flero is based on compatibility, which is implemented through AI and comprehensive personality analysis. Algorithms study the results of methods and tests of users, and then display compatibility in percentage terms with a detailed description of a person's identity. You can also check on "matchings" for your friends or lover, who are not registered in the application. You can calculate compatibility by specifying the name, date of birth and key features of the person. AI will give a decryption of character, talk about its features and tell you which things in communication are best avoided, and on which emphasis can be made.

Also, the creators of the service have developed their own version of the personality test - it is based on feedback from the user's environment. This format avoids subjective evaluation when filling out a profile and gives more accurate results in a match.

In addition, each user has a personal AI assistant. It analyzes the tone of correspondence in real time and gives advice on further communication and topics for conversation.

The creators of the service are not limited to the mechanics of dating applications and create a social discovery product. In addition to romantic relationships, Flero can look for business partners, new friends and like-minded people for language exchange. And the lack of dislikes on the platform allows users to simply skip the questionnaire of a person with whom they do not want to communicate.

Our mission is to rid people of social masks. We want to reveal a person's true identity and unite soulmates, overcoming geographical, cultural and language barriers, "said Co-founder and CPO Flero, Albert Kaigorodov.

Flero was created at the founders' own expense. The service is constantly growing - about 20 thousand people register in the application every month. The creators focus on audience quality and viral growth mechanics, in which users bring their friends and acquaintances to the platform.

The app is free with built-in purchases to improve your account. Flero is available for download on the AppStore and GooglePlay.