Since 1999
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
117246, Scientific passage, 12, floor 2, room 28
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InfraManager specializes in implementing and setting up IT service management processes. The company focused its efforts on setting up and automating IT finance management and integrated accounting of IT assets. The InfraManager ITSM system dates back to 1999 and has been implemented in more than 500 companies in Russia and the CIS countries.
Russian development InfraManager ITSM is a universal platform for automating IT processes and integrating them with management and accounting processes.
Combines the functionality of all the most modern key systems in demand by IT departments - service desk, IT property accounting, configuration management, monitoring, etc. InfraManager's unique integration capabilities allow you to combine a maximum of systems used to support enterprise IT activities into a single information space.
The InfraManager team has brought together like-minded people, many of whom have been contributing to the development of the system since the very first day of its creation. For more than 10 years, implementation and functional project managers have been implementing ITSM systems and projects for setting up ITSM processes.
2023: 9th place in TAdviser ranking "Largest suppliers of ITSM/Service Desk systems in Russia"
InfraManager took 9th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of ITSM/Service Desk systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of such solutions for 2023. Read more here.
In March 2012, InfraManager announced the opening of the IT Sapiens community.
More than 350 copies of the InfraManager system have been introduced and used in Russia and the CIS countries. Among the clients of InfraManager of MMC Norilsk Nickel, GUP MO MOSOBLGAZ, Far Eastern Energy Company, RZHP.
CJSC SoftIntegrro announced the transfer of all rights to develop and sell the InfraManager software product with a focus on promotion through a partner network to the newly created company InfraManager LLC. By December 2010, InfraManager LLC planned to release the next version of the InfraManager ITSM system, v5.2, which will introduce new functionality for organizing user service processes. Version 5.2 will include the WorkFlow module and many other technical innovations. The transition to a new version of the system for customers with existing technical support will be carried out free of charge, regardless of who the contract was concluded with - CJSC Softintro or InfraManager LLC.
Back in 1999, the InfraManager system was born as a commercial system for documenting the IT infrastructure. Many years have passed since then, and today InfraManager became the first Russian system for complete automation of IT activities in enterprises.
In the fall of 2010, the division involved in the development and implementation of the InfraManager ITSM system was separated from CJSC SoftIntegro into the newly created company. This is how InfraManager, a limited liability company, was born.
All rights to develop and distribute the InfraManager software product were transferred to a new company, and CJSC SoftIntegro became a partner of a new company to promote the InfraManager ITSM system.
"We set one of our main goals to provide our clients with a modern tool to achieve the highest quality of IT," says Andrey Rassamakin, General Director of InfraManager LLC. - Many team members were at the origins of the InfraManager system back in 1999, when InfraManager was a means to automatically document the IT infrastructure. Today, in our activities, we continue to follow all modern trends in the development of information technologies, relying on the ITIL methodology and the most successful practices of implementing ITSM in domestic companies. "