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Compass: Solution for the construction industry

The name of the base system (platform): ERP system Compass
Developers: Compass
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2010
Branches: Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: ERP

Due to the outlined exit from an economic crisis and revival of construction companies (one of the most affected fields of activity from crisis) the KOMPAS company the long-term experience with construction companies selected in priority (along with solutions for mechanical engineering and banks) industry solution for construction.

In comparison with major version of the ERP system (the ERP system Compass) the industry solution for construction includes the following additional functions:

  • The hierarchical multilevel reference book "Construction objects" allowing to describe each building as set of the objects of lower level connected among themselves is supported.
  • Import of estimates in the ARPS format (Associations of developers of estimate programs) supported by the majority of the estimate programs existing in the Russian market is implemented.
  • Forms of viewing and adjustment of the imported estimates directly in the ERP system "COMPASS" are developed.
  • The procedure of automatic formation of the schedule from lines of the estimate is created. At the same time communication with an estimate position remains that allows to autocomplete materials requirement and mechanisms and also during the further work to obtain such necessary data as standards and volumes from the estimate.
  • The possibility of detailing of works in the schedule is entered by adding of subordinates or additional positions of the plan. The possibility of adding of lines from other estimates line by line and also input of such information as the need for personnel of certain professions which is not contained in the estimate is supported.
  • The following reports on the schedule are developed: "Calendar schedule", "Requirement plan in materials", "Requirement plan in machines and mechanisms", "Requirement plan in personnel". Reports can be created with any discretization: daily, weekly occurring every ten days, monthly.
  • On the basis of data from schedules materials requirement in the type structured on objects automatically forms.
  • Maintaining the Runtime journal of works in which all work flow on an object is registered is automated.
  • On the basis of the Runtime journal of works it is possible to print the report on KS-6 form (Section 3) and the unified KS-6a form.
  • In a subsystem "COMPASS: Document flow" is added a new document type – the Work acceptance certificate (KS-2 form). Documents of this type form automatically on the basis of the performed works given from the Magazine.
  • On the basis of acts of KS-2 using the device of creation of documents on a sample accounts to Customers automatically form.
  • In a subsystem "COMPASS: Document flow" is added a new document type - the Certificate of cost of the performed works and costs (KS-3 form).
  • Business process of supply of construction is automated by materials. Materials requirement forms on the basis of the schedule. The possibility of the order of material with exceeding of planned is controlled. All chain of processing of the supply requisition from giving, the approvals by the official having appropriate authority (verification of powers is provided with a subsystem of control of access rights), before purpose of specific nomenclature number in the order and the choice of the supplier is implemented. The possibility of a covering of material requirement is considered by its analogs.
  • The register of acts of an expense of the material values supporting 2 methods of write-off of materials in production is entered (at the choice of the User): according to the standards specified in the estimate and also upon. On the basis of the approved act automatic write-off of materials from the warehouse database is made.
  • On the basis of acts of an expense of material values the report on M-29 form forms.