Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, NLMK (Forsyth. Analytical Platform (formerly Prognoz Platform))
Customers: Novolipetsk Steel Mill, NLMK Novolipetsk; Metallurgical industry Contractors: Forsythe Product: Forsyth. Analytical Platform (formerly Prognoz Platform)Project date: 2022/03 - 2022/08
2022: Implementation of the Digital Control Tower investment project monitoring system
The system implements the concept of Digital Control Tower - centralized collection and monitoring of key information on the implementation of the group's investment projects predpriyaty:
- Project Targets - Timelines, Budget, KPI
- Status of projects implementation, S-curves of progress by areas of research and development, procurement, SMR
- Critical path work, key events proyekta
- Statistics on contractors, violations, incidents and postradavshim
- Problematic issues, risks proyektov
Visualization is implemented by means of 12-sheet dashboard with summary and detailed information on proyektam.