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Simetra experts substantiated the optimal option for the construction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway

Customers: Russian highways (Avtodor)

Moscow; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Product: R&D

Project date: 2023/08  - 2024/02

2024: Justification of routes for the Dzhubga-Sochi highway construction project

SIMETRA Group of Companies, a competence center in the field of transport flow modeling and transport planning, has prepared a justification for routes for the project for the construction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway, which will unload the existing federal road A-147 and more than three times reduce the travel time. SIMETRA experts conducted fieldwork and a comprehensive macroeconomic study to determine the best option for the construction of a new highway. Simetra announced this on March 27, 2024.

The construction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway, through which the main path passes for residents of the central regions of Russia to the resorts of Tuapse, Lazarevskoye and Sochi, is estimated at about 1.4 trillion rubles. The current federal road A-147 cannot cope with traffic in the summer: the driver of the car spends up to 7 hours on a route 170 km long during peak periods of load. In addition, the route passes through resort coastal cities, which also increases travel time and worsens the environmental situation in settlements.

The project of the route is aimed at solving these problems and increasing the attractiveness of summer holidays in southern Russia. Analytical work for the construction of this highway was carried out taking into account the forecast of the development of various types of transport, the infrastructure of the cargo base and the volume of traffic, including passenger traffic. Experts made a comparative assessment of traffic flows on several options for the development of the route, carried out field studies, which included measurements of traffic intensity at 110 points, as well as a survey of 5 thousand respondents on the possibility of arranging a toll road.

As part of the preparation of the socio-economic justification, SIMETRA studied the level of income of the population, the pace of motorization, the volume of freight traffic and forecasts regarding international trade.

As a result of the work carried out, the multimodal model of the Dzhubga-Sochi route was updated, with the help of which eight options for tracing the object were calculated. Materials reflecting their advantages were prepared for each of them.

The construction of a highway in the resort area of ​ ​ Russia, allowing traffic to bypass coastal cities, is an important socio-economic project for the whole country. This road will unload the current route by an average of 20-45% depending on the section, and will also reduce travel time by an average of three hours, and during peak periods - up to five hours. The highway is designed to reduce congestion that forms on the way of vacationers during the peak tourist season, so it was important to approach the implementation wisely, having previously calculated the most optimal option, "said Elena Andreeva, Managing Partner of SIMETRA.