Since 2004
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
191014, Sapper Lane, d. 5a
Top managers:
Vladimir Leonidovich Shvetsov
Content |
SIMETRA (A + C Transproekt LLC) is an innovative design institute for transport planning and modeling of transport flows.
As of October 2018, the company's project portfolio includes research work, projects for organizing transport and pedestrian flows, the creation of comprehensive traffic management schemes (KSODD) and schemes for organizing transport services for the population by public transport (KSOT), forecasts of traffic intensity for toll roads made using various methods of mathematical modeling.
Another area of the company's activity for October 2018 is the development of its own IT solutions for strategic and operational management of city transport systems and the supply of software products to the German company PTV Group for the creation of transport macro and micro-models, as well as Schlothauer & Wauer products for the development of traffic light programs and automated adaptive traffic management systems (ASUDD).
2022: Start of transport planning course at the Polytechnic
At the Polytechnic, SIMETRA began teaching a course on transport planning, which the latter announced on February 9, 2022. Read more here.
2021: Agreement with DSTU to train specialists for the transport industry
SIMETRA, the competence center in the field of transport flow modeling and transport planning and the Don State Technical University on April 8, 2021 announced the start of cooperation.
The partnership involves a number of joint initiatives. One of the main ones is the training of qualified specialists for the transport industry, training in transport planning and modeling of transport flows. Students and teachers of DSTU will be able to participate in real projects that SIMETRA implements, as well as in field research. In addition, the DSTU Development Trust Capital Fund will be involved in conducting targeted training of students for SIMETRA tasks.
We are joining forces in training specialists for the transport industry. Active interaction with enterprises is a key criterion for technical education: within the framework of the educational process, students must already be included in the solution of professional problems. Road transport is one of the oldest in the university. Our experience, multiplied by the extensive competencies of SIMETRA, will become a reference point for the training of highly qualified transport personnel, "said Besarion Meskhi, rector of the Don State Technical University. |
Within the framework of cooperation, joint educational projects will be created, including in the online format. To do this, on the basis of SIMETRA, it is planned to create a DSTU division, which will focus on the integrated integration of the university and SIMETRA.
Working together with DSTU will be another strategic step in our work aimed at training transport engineers. This profession requires versatile skills - from taking measurements on the ground to working with intelligent transport systems and specialized. software Cooperation with DSTU will make it possible to train specialists of the highest level to solve difficult socio-economic problems for the benefit of the transport industry, "said countriesVladimir Shvetsov SIMETRA CEO. |
The plans of DGTU and SIMETRA include the creation of a joint scientific laboratory of Intelligent Transport Systems with an emphasis on transport planning and modeling of transport flows. This will allow teaching students in current programs and complexes, which, of course, will become a plus with their further employment, - said Vladimir Zyryanov, head of the Department "Organization of Transportation and Road Traffic" of DSTU. |
2020: Agreement with the National PPP Center in terms of transport risk analysis and transport modeling
SIMETRA and the National PPP Center, a competence center in the field of public-private partnership, have entered into a strategic partnership agreement. SIMETRA became a partner of the National PPP Center in terms of transport risk analysis and transport modeling. This became known on September 30, 2020.
Within the framework of cooperation, SIMETRA experts will assist the most socially significant infrastructure development projects located on the ROSINFRA digital platform, which involve public-private and municipal-private partnership mechanisms (PPP and MFP). The company's specialists will be involved in blitz assessment of project initiatives, and will also work in expert groups to discuss projects before their presentation to potential investors.
{{quote 'The use of PPP tools in the transport industry can be called one of the components of its economic development. We are confident that we are making the right decision by signing a cooperation agreement with SIMETRA. The use of modeling tools in public-private partnership projects helps to assess effects and risks, which increases the investment attractiveness of such projects in general, "said Pavel Seleznev, General Director of the National PPP Center. }}
Infrastructure projects involve attracting long-term investments, and therefore the need to argue the amount of costs to investors. By September 2020, the Russian Federation had accumulated significant PPP experience in the field of transport. The serious role assigned to public-private partnership projects in the Transport Strategy of Russia until 2030 also helps to develop them. Therefore, we are confident that our strategic partnership with the National PPP Center will help develop transport infrastructure for the benefit of the whole country, "said Vladimir Shvetsov, CEO of SIMETRA. |
Since 2010, SIMETRA has been participating in the preparation of a feasibility study of the largest infrastructure projects with the participation of private investors in the Russian Federation.
Renaming to Simetra
A + C Transproekt announced a full rebranding on November 19, 2019, which includes a change in the company's name, logo, slogan and corporate style. From November 2019, the company will continue to operate in the market under the name Simetra. This brand of the company will emphasize the key competence of A + C Transproekt in the field of transport modeling and forecasting of transport flows (from the English Simulation in Transport).
The change of commercial name occurred as part of the strategic development of the company and is due, among other things, to plans for active growth in the international market. The rebranding does not imply a change in the legal entity and will not affect the company's fulfillment of current obligations to partners and customers, emphasized in A + C Transproekt.
The company's business has changed significantly over 15 years, and our internal changes have logically led to external changes. We were looking for a name that could express our key competence and the style of our work. The SIMETRA name reflects the three fundamentals of our business. Firstly, our long-term expertise in the field of modeling transport flows and the supply of relevant software products, around which other areas are built, including the development of our own industry software. Secondly, our ambitions to expand our business beyond Russia: as of November 2019, we already have a portfolio of successful international cases. Thirdly, the updated name corresponds to the style and philosophy of the company: we are confident that we are able to create transport projects that not only work effectively, but also bring beauty and harmony to people's lives, "said Vladimir Shvetsov, CEO of Simetra. |
In general, the rebranding was another step in the company's development strategy, adopted until 2023.
Direction "Sustainable Development in Urban Development Practice"
In July 2019, A + S Transproekt created a direction for the implementation of solutions in the field of urban planning, public transport and planning of convenient public spaces. Parfyonov Grigory was appointed head of the direction.
Sustainable development in urban planning practice means solving tactical and strategic tasks to create urban infrastructure, which will not create negative external effects in the future. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, this approach allows you to design and build objects of the urban environment and transport network, which will be successfully used by many generations of citizens for a long time.
"When it comes to transport planning projects, sustainable development is primarily associated with the environmental component. At the same time, it is not limited exclusively to ecology, but covers a whole range of parameters related to the needs of people to move around the city and the formation of a comfortable, convenient and safe urban environment. Among the activities that we recommend within the framework of comprehensive traffic management schemes (KSODD), programs for the integrated development of transport infrastructure (PCRTI), transport master plans and other similar projects, there is necessarily an optimization of public transport, the development of cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, the organization of parking space, the development of intelligent transport systems (ITS) - that is, all the components of responsible development, "- said Vladimir Shvetsov, General Director of A + S Transproekt. |
Joining the "North-West Cartographic Center"
A + C Transproekt, an expert in the field of transport planning and development of IT solutions for modeling and managing transport flows, announced on December 5, 2018 that it had begun the process of joining the North-West Cartographic Center (North-West Cartographic Center). In this regard, the head of the "North-West Cartographic Center " Vladimir Valdin took the position of director for solutions in the field of public transport (OT) "A + S Transproekt." All other employees of the SZCC were included in the A + C Transproekt data analysis group. Read more here.
Agreement with Schwabe on the promotion of civilian products for smart cities to the world market
A + C Transproekt, an expert in the field of transport planning and development of IT solutions for modeling and management of transport flows, and Shvabe Holding, which unites the main scientific, production and service and sales enterprises of the optical and electronic industry in Russia, signed a partnership agreement on November 22, 2018. The parties agreed to jointly develop the supply of civilian products for "smart cities" to the world market.
Increasing the share of civilian products and developing their exports is our priority. One of the most important areas here is the direction of "smart cities," which includes technologies, complexes and systems for the modernization of urban infrastructure. In a number of regions of Russia, these solutions are already successfully functioning. We pay special attention to their promotion abroad, and, in particular, this cooperation can provide a significant amount of supplies, "said Ivan Ozhgikhin, Deputy General Director of Schwabe for the development of sales, marketing and service support systems for civilian products. - We have excellent prospects for cooperation: the A + S Transproekt team develops comprehensive plans for the development of transport in Russian agglomerations and road maps for the creation of transport management centers for Russian regions, and the Shvabe holding will implement them on domestic equipment. |
According to the terms of the signed document, the companies will focus on introducing software products and organizing marketing activities aimed at promoting civilian products for the development of transport infrastructure.
In 2018, 37 Russian cities will become pilot sites of the Smart City project. The project implementation plan will include six blocks: housing and communal services, the formation of an environment accessible and safe for the health of citizens, the creation of innovative infrastructure, the digitalization of construction and territorial planning and the improvement of transport systems. Our agreement with Schwabe will give impetus to the formation of technologies for transport development and planning - this will help to better develop smart cities both in Russia and in other countries. Together we will create the basis for a single digital space for managing traffic flows in Russian agglomerations, "said Vladimir Shvetsov, General Director of A + S Transproekt. |
Registration of the domestic RITM 3 solution
The domestic solution for monitoring, modeling and dispatching of RITM 3 transport flows was registered.
Agreements to expand cooperation with PTV GROUP and Schlothauer & Waue
Direct contracts have been concluded for the supply of software products and the expansion of cooperation with PTV GROUP and Schlothauer & Wauer.
Leaving the German company
The company A + S Transproekt LLC left the German company and became an independent organization.
The company A + S Transproekt LLC became a member company of the Association of Transport Engineers (ATI).
Development and receipt of a certificate of state registration of the information and analytical system TransInfo.
Opening of the office of A + S Transproekt LLC in Moscow.
The history of the A + C Transproekt team began with the opening of a representative office of the German company A + S. In 2018, A + C Transproekt began the process of business transformation: it acquired the North-West Cartographic Center company, developed its own RITM3 software product, opened the direction for the implementation of sustainable solutions in the field of urban planning, public transport and planning convenient public spaces.
The beginning of cooperation with the transport university of Russia - Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI).
Creation of the first simulation model in PTV Vissim to evaluate the project in St. Petersburg.
Delivery of the first PTV Vision Suite license in Russia.
Opening of the representative office of the German company A + S in Russia.