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RITM3 Real time integration transport measurements modelling managemet

The name of the base system (platform): TransInfo
Developers: Simetra (formerly A + C Transproekt)
Last Release Date: 2023/11/07
Branches: Transport
Technology: BI,  GIS - Geoinformation Systems,  Internet of Things (IoT),  CAD,  Vehicle Safety and Control Systems,  Vehicle Management Systems (FMS)


RITM³ (Real time integration transport measurements modeling managemet) is a Russian digital platform, mobility management, capable of modeling transport flows, processing more data.

The platform was the development of another development of A + C Transproekt - TransInfo, a Russian information and analytical system used to create a dynamic transport model and allow using the benefits of existing automation tools for certain traffic-related functions.

2024: Red OS Compatibility

The IT platform RITM³ and Red OS"" were tested for compatibility and demonstrated correct operation. Cooperation between the two the Russian developers expands the functionality of the import-independent stack and develops the market for domestic solutions. This was Simertra announced on October 3, 2024.

Cooperation between vendors remains one of the important areas of development of the Russian IT market. More and more domestic vendors are creating compatible solutions. For us, as developers of the operating system, it is important that as many effective solutions as possible work smoothly on RED OS. We are pleased that the RITM³ platform is available on our OS. The synergy of various Russian products allows our customers to freely produce import substitution and easily abandon foreign solutions, "said Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of Red Soft.

This cooperation is key to development. Russian IT market The certificate of compatibility between RITM³ and RED OS will provide our users and customers with reliable work on a completely Russian stack, which guarantees confident development for years to come, and companies from the perimeter - CUES faster import substitution of foreign solutions, - added Andrey Prokhorov, Technical Director of SIMETRA Group of Companies.


Add a tool to transfer transport models created in foreign software

The company SIMETRA on November 7, 2023 presented a tool for transferring transport models created in foreign to the ON domestic digital platform RITM³. The emergence of such a solution is a significant contribution to the development transport industries Russia of domestic technologies on. transport

Over the past 15 years, transport modeling in Russia has developed mainly on the basis of the German developer software products. PTV Group They are used to create transport planning documents, calculations and forecasts in the area. transport

The emergence of technology that ensures data transfer without losing the accuracy and logic of the model will provide users with seamless migration and transition to Russian software, which will strengthen the import independence of the transport sector in particular and the digital sovereignty of the country as a whole.

Approximately 95% of transport models in Russia were performed using PTV software products. With the departure of the German vendor from Russia, the market needed a solution to transfer the created models with all the data and settings to the Russian developed software environment. We have developed such an opportunity in relation to the digital platform RITM³ for planning the development of the transport system of the city or the agglomeration, - explained Andrei Prokhorov, technical director of SIMETRA.

RITM³ (Realtime Integrated Transport Monitoring & Modeling & Management) is a workspace for transport engineers and an ecosystem that combines various transport data, tools and services that allow you to effectively manage transport systems. Including monitoring vehicles, creating transport models, connecting ITS modules, and so on.

The transport model from PTV Visum to RITM³ is imported in six simple steps. You do nothing manually: the migration process starts by click, the parameters of the migrated models with the original source are checked automatically. As a result, it will be possible to continue working with the model on a fully Russian-developed platform in the Transport Forecasting and Modeling module.

Development of the module in terms of strategic modeling

SIMETRA has developed a module for the RITM³ digital platform. It allows you to replace the functionality of foreign POTTV Visum in terms of strategic modeling. The module is designed to plan the development of the transport system of the city or agglomeration. The developer announced this on September 11, 2023.

For a long time, most of the transport problems in the domestic market were solved using the products of the German company PTV Group. Russian development from SIMETRA will help import substitution of this software.

The RITM³ platform already had a module for modeling, but it was only used to work with dynamic models. Thanks to integration with the new module for the development of static transport models, users will have even more opportunities to work with ITS components and predict transport flows for the long term. For example, they can import the settings and data of existing models, edit their basic parameters, and render the result as reference books and cartograms. The architecture of the module's design core does not depend on PTV Visum in any way and allows you to work efficiently with any operating system, "said Andrey Prokhorov, CTO of SIMETRA.

Transport engineers will be able to work with the module without special training, independently configuring the basic models to work through the system interface. At the same time, the architecture of the RITM³ system as a platform allows you to significantly expand the capabilities and complement it with functions from adjacent modules and subsystems. In addition, the architecture of the module itself takes into account several levels of modeling.

Soon the module will be supplemented with micro-modeling and other algorithms in demand on the Russian market. Including specialized procedures for expanded traffic forecasting capabilities on toll roads (the so-called bi-criterion equilibrium procedures).

The base module will become available to customers in the fall - as a standalone product and along with other RITM³ services. Already in 2024, the functionality of the module will expand further, thanks to functions based on artificial intelligence.

In the fall, SIMETRA will supply licenses for the academic version of the training module to a number of Russian universities - as part of the system work on training transport engineers.

Add a module to audit the current state of road safety

SIMETRA has developed an additional module for the RITM³ digital platform, it will become available to users in September 2023. A PDD module for auditing the current state of road safety. The company announced this on August 31, 2023.

The road safety module in RITM³ is a development in the field of road safety based on mathematical modeling with the possibility of using artificial intelligence (AI).

With the help of the module, it will be possible to analyze in detail the current arrangement of the road network, including the condition of the roadway. The AI-based technology will identify all deviations from the standards, calculate the accident forecast, determine the most dangerous areas, and propose measures to reduce the accident rate.

In the first six months of 2023, about 70 thousand accidents occurred in the country as a whole, 7 thousand people died, more than 300 - children under 16 years old.

These indicators are growing, the number of accidents is increasing, as evidenced by official statistics, "said Dmitry Stavsky, head of the Moscow office of SIMETRA. - However, technology can significantly reduce road deaths. That is why we have developed a DBD module - it helps to audit the existing level of road construction, the condition of the roadway and predict potential accident sites. This will not only reduce the number of fatal accidents, but also prevent the risks of collisions themselves - such preventive work directly affects the safety and comfort of movement.

The BDD module will allow the regions to effectively solve the tasks of reducing the accident rate, enshrined in the instructions of the President of Russia and the Road Safety Strategy in the Russian Federation.

The module will be in demand by specialized regional and federal departments that manage roads. As well as commercial organizations engaged in the construction and repair of the roadway, maintenance and construction of roads.

The basic version of the module provides options for the main measures for organizing safe traffic, regulated by GOST. In the future, the list and variability of measures will expand significantly - the module will be able to propose and calculate the effectiveness of local experimental measures, as well as justify the financial costs of them. The solution architecture also includes the introduction of elements of self-learning and artificial intelligence, including the expansion of predictive analytics.


Make changes to all major platform modules

On December 14, 2022, SIMETRA introduced the next version of the RITM³ multifunctional digital platform (Realtime Integrated Transport Monitoring & Modeling & Management) to solve the problems of planning and modeling in the field of ITS cities and regions.

The changes affected all the main modules: "Transport Modeling," "KSODD," "Situation Center," "GIS," "Road Management." The RITM³ platform scales easily for different levels of transport models and complexity of tasks.

The Transport Modeling module has undergone the most significant changes. The updated version of the module now closes most of the requirements of transport engineers, including the forecast of transport demand, the distribution of flows across the network, accounting for traffic light cycles.

Unlike other similar products, the RITM³ does not have technical restrictions on the number of areas, nodes, segments and other elements of the transport model. The number of required parameters can be determined when selecting a specific version of the license. The company regularly updates the platform, taking into account the current needs of transport engineers, technology and the market situation.

One of the key features of the Transport Modeling module is the ability to fully transfer RITM³ transport models created in other software products to the working environment, including PTV Visum. You can transfer data, parameters of calculation algorithms and procedures. In fact, the platform allows you to convert work with transport models from PTV Visum to RITM³ with the preservation of functionality,
said Andrey Prokhorov, Ph.D., CTO, SIMETRA.

In addition, the functionality of the "Situation Center" module, which is now called "Monitoring the efficiency of the transport system" (CE), has been expanded. Updates improve user experience in time monitoring and controlling key mobility transport city metrics through flexible widget customization, data filtering dashboard , basic indexes, and transport system performance.

The KSODD module has expanded the possibilities of working with events - the configuration of more flexible user filters has been implemented and the timeline has been updated, on the basis of which widgets work to view the number and cost of planned events.

The Geoinformation System (GIS) module adds the ability to create a more flexible legend, draw an unlimited number of objects, display a list of layer objects with search, spatial filter, measurement tools, change the order of drawing layers.

The Road Management (DoR) module displays vehicle traffic tracks and tethered geozones in real time. With this module, you can maintain a list of roadworks and monitor their implementation, integrate data with external suppliers and work with applications, including in the mobile version.

Coordinated Motion Control Module

On April 20, 2022, SIMETRA announced the release of a large-scale update to the multifunctional digital platform RITM³ (Realtime Integrated Transport Monitoring & Modeling & Management), which not only expands the capabilities of the RITM³, but also makes working with existing modules more convenient.

One of the most important changes is the development of your own algorithms transport modeling, as well as the creation of an additional module "Coordinated Motion Control integration " in with several ASUDD and model structures. data The coordinated motion control module was developed in close cooperation with several developers of the AACDS, so working with it, in most cases, will be quite fast and not very time-consuming. The Vehicle Monitoring component also appeared in the platform, allowing the to visualize vehicle (vehicle) location on the map and vehicle tracks and displaying a speed graph for each object and comparing the tracks of the two vehicles. You can configure flexible user filters in the component to analyze and display any attributes of the vehicle.

Modeling and Forecasting now includes the Scenario Calculations component, as well as separate tools for visualizing dynamic and static transport model calculations. This will simplify and speed up the modeling and comparison of different scenarios.

A significant update was received by the Situational Center module "," which is now called "Monitoring the effectiveness of intelligent transport systems." It now includes Dashboard/and Dashboard Graphics/Reports components with advanced capabilities for creating a convenient and visual infographic.

The Digital Twin module has also been finalized and now includes the necessary functionality for working with transport models - the basic Model Editor (individual transport graph and districts, connectors), the Traffic and Event Management Editor, as well as the Public Transport Editor (passenger transport).

2021: Module for solving the problems of planning and modeling in the field of ITS of cities and regions

On September 27, 2021, SIMETRA announced the development of the RITM³ multifunctional digital platform module (Realtime Integrated Transport Monitoring & Modeling & Management) for solving planning and modeling problems in the field of ITS cities and regions. It was named VEB ASUDD (Coordinated Motion Control Module).

The module allows you to control traffic lights, monitor their work, and also integrates them into a single data structure and modeling and forecasting system.

VEB ASUDD is an automated traffic control system, one of the modules of the upper level of ITS according to the existing methodology. The module will allow for close interaction between traffic lights, associated objects and other modules of the upper level of ITS, such as modeling, public transport management and others.

VEB ASUDD has a convenient and concise interface. The development will be used in traffic management centers, in situation centers in the field of transport for monitoring, control, management and planning in the field of intelligent transport systems.

This is the first version of the module. A number of functional improvements are planned that will affect the user experience and interface. Integration of the module will provide additional opportunities for predicting, optimizing and coordinating traffic light cycles, "said Andrei Prokhorov, director of the Moscow branch of SIMETRA, Ph.D.

RITM³ consists of a number of modules, five of them are designed for state management of transport flows in cities and administration of intelligent transport systems. The main complexity of the development was to correctly lay down the entire logic of the system and algorithms, taking into account the business logic of integrating this module into a single top-level system of ITS in terms of modeling the data structure, forecasting and optimization capabilities.

The module works primarily with ASUDD "Megapolis" from the company "Elsistar," which also took an active part in the development of the solution. In addition, separate functions, primarily for reading data, are integrated with the ACUDD of the companies Comsignal and Ripas. In the future, this module is planned to be expanded both in terms of integration and internal analytical functions of the module itself, - said Andrei Prokhorov.

ASUDD "Megapolis," for which the module was originally developed, is used in many regions of Russia. It allows you to integrate a complex engineering solution with the top layer of a single transport system management platform. VEB ASUDD is a solution that, at the request of the customer, can develop into a full-fledged ITS.

Elsistar is a manufacturer of Megapolis controllers and automated traffic control systems.

2020: Modules "Register of public transport routes and stops (OT)" and "Traffic flow accounting"

On March 12, 2020, SIMETRA (until 2019 "A + C Transproekt") introduced the digital multifunctional platform RITM³ (Realtime Integrated Transport Modeling & Management & Measurements) to solve a number of planning and modeling problems in the field of intelligent transport systems of cities and regions. The solution helps to accumulate transport data from various sources, including in real time, analyze and visualize them, predict traffic flows and make decisions to improve the situation on the roads. The platform is included in the Unified register Russian programmminkomsvyaz.

According to the company, the RITM³ is a system for integration and interaction with all intelligent transport services of the city and consists of four main modules: "Monitoring and dispatching of rolling stock," "Digital PKRTI and KSODD-online," "Modeling of transport flows" and "Situation Center." The platform supports integration with various solutions in the field of ADMS and fare control.

Drawing Heat Maps and Diagrams Depending on Attribute Values
The platform RITM³ presented in Chelyabinsk. The development interested participants from both regions and federal departments: in Russia there is a real need for a domestic product for transport modeling and planning. We have been cooperating with the Chelyabinsk Administration for a long time and fruitfully: earlier SIMETRA has already developed a comprehensive traffic management scheme for the city using RITM³ modules. The program has shown itself and will now be launched into the market of transport intelligent systems.

told Vladimir Shvetsov, CEO of SIMETRA

Interactively edit the geometry of point, line, and polygon objects, and comprehensively edit the geometry of transport models

Separate RITM³ modules were developed earlier, but were used only in the company's projects and were not available for purchase. In November 2019, two functional modules were added to the solution: "Register of Public Transport Routes and Stops (OT)" and "Accounting for Traffic Flows."

The OT Register module is designed to maintain interactive registers of route networks and their infrastructure in the RITM³ interface. Information on stops and public transport routes of cities and regions is entered and added to it. With the help of the OT Register module, you can work with schedules, collect and visualize data and carry out to the analyst the work of route passenger transport.

Visualize 3D and 2D spatial data with the ability to display thousands of objects

The Transport Flow Accounting module allows you to automate the control of manual and semi-automatic intensity measurements, as well as the process of processing data and integrating it into the transport model.

RITM³ is a completely Russian solution. In fact, this is the first Russian digital platform in which you can perform the entire range of tasks of the transport complex. Due to its modularity and scalability, the system is suitable for use by both commercial companies - for automation and business development, and urban municipalities - to improve the quality of urban mobility. RITM³ allows you to work with a dynamic transport model that can help manage urban mobility in real time. As of March 2020, only part of the functions are implemented in the product. In the coming years, it is planned to develop the solution and add other modules taking into account the need and feedback from market participants.

told Andrei Prokhorov, director of the Moscow branch of SIMETRA

SIMETRA already uses the capabilities of the digital platform in the implementation of Russian and international projects. For example, within the framework of the project "Integrated Road Traffic Management Scheme of the City of Almaty," a general concept for the development of an intelligent transport system (ITS) with subsystems of an automated traffic control system (ASUDD) was developed. All proposals for KSODD were developed on the basis of the digital platform RITM³ using the module "GIS and KSODD-online," in the workspace of which the proposed solutions were discussed. After the completion of the work, the city authorities received not only working documentation, but also a static transport model and a digital platform, using which they will be able to effectively solve the transport problems of their city.

2019: Module "KSODD-online," or "digital KSODD"

The A + S Transproekt company, a competence center in the field of modeling transport flows and transport planning, on July 16, 2019 presented the KSODD-online software solution - a RITM3 multifunctional platform module that allows you to create KSODD (integrated traffic management schemes) and PKRTI (programs for the integrated development of transport infrastructure). In general, the Russian development of the RITM3 can combine the existing systems of the city into a single digital space for the effective management of the urban transport system and create its "digital twin."

Recently, traffic jams have become an "attribute" of life not only in large, but in medium, and even small cities of Russia. This significantly worsens the quality of life of citizens and does not comply with the principles of sustainable development, although the goal of the consistent transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development was set more than 20 years ago. To solve the transport problems of cities, within the framework of our projects, we decided to apply an innovative approach based on our own development, - said Andrei Prokhorov, Ph.D., director of the Moscow branch of A + S Transproekt.

The module "KSODD-online," or "digital KSODD," uses cartographic and GIS technology, thanks to which it is possible to design a transport network and then develop recommendations within the framework of the KSODD. For clarity, using a specially designed timeline, you can simulate and analyze which objects will be at the construction stage and which are ready for operation in two, three years or 10 years. The file attachment and comment option allows you to discuss activities and decision making. As the developers specified, the KSODD-online module is close in concept to BIM (building information modeling) technologies, but in the application to the territory and, first of all, modeling the development of transport infrastructure taking into account space, time, finance and other factors.

RITM3 as "digital PKRTI/KSODD" is a tool for introducing, visualizing and analyzing KSODD and PKRTI measures in the form of a web platform closely related to solutions for modeling transport flows. Projects for the development of KSODD using the RITM3 system are already being implemented in the cities of Almaty, Orenburg, Grozny, Chelyabinsk, - explained Andrei Prokhorov.

In addition to GIS and KSODD-online, the RITM3 system includes other modules and solutions: Situation Center, Monitoring and Dispatching, Modeling of Traffic Flows, as well as separate solutions for managing and automating measurements of traffic intensity, maintaining a register of stops and public transport routes.

2018: Description. Composition of RITM³

According to information as of October 2018, the RITM³ is a top-level system for the integration and management of all intellectual transport services in the city.

The key feature of the platform is not only the ability to perform operations on modeling transport flows, but also the creation of a dynamic transport model that allows the management of urban mobility in real time.


As of October 2018, the RITM³ digital platform includes four main working modules:

  • Situational Center
    • The module displays and analyzes information on the current and forecast transport situation, records and analyzes events at the MAC (accidents, congestion, ceilings) and is the main tool for making decisions on traffic management and road transport infrastructure facilities in order to optimize the road transport situation in local areas or in the city as a whole.

  • Monitoring and dispatching of rolling stock

    • The module allows you to automate the control, planning and organization of the work of rolling stock and facilities moving around the territory of the MAC and performing various types of work - public transport, taxis, IFF, public utilities vehicles, etc.). With the help of the module, it is possible to plan and organize the operation of the vehicle fleet by automating the formation and distribution of tasks (formation of work schedules and creation of waybills), monitor the fulfillment of tasks by drivers (for example, monitoring the observance of movement along the route of the task), as well as generate analytical materials on various indicators of the fleet operation.

  • GIS and KSODD-online

    • The module allows you to work with the main functions of geoinformation systems and create measures developed within the framework of the KSODD in the form of GIS objects (graphs, parking lots, pedestrian streets, coordinated control, dedicated lanes for public transport, one-way streets, the location of traffic sensors, traffic lights, accident centers) and display them on the map taking into account perspective and retrospective.

  • Transport Flow Modeling

    • The module allows you to edit transport model data in the digital platform interface and perform separate modeling procedures. In addition, data can also come from existing modeling software products.