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Баннер в шапке 2


Developers: A S Transproyekt
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Transport
Technology: BI,  Security system and control of motor transport

TransInfo is the Russian information and analytical system used for creation of dynamic transport model and allowing to use benefits from already available automation equipment of the separate functions connected with traffic.

2015: Development

In 2015 the company "And + About Transproyekt" developed an information and analytical system of the forecast and analysis of a transport situation of TransInfo which was put into operation GKU TSODD Governments of Moscow and is applied to assessment and the analysis of a status of the transport system of the city.

Principal components of a system are static transport model of the city and input data obtained from different sources in real time: data of sensors of intensity of traffic, data on traffic light regulation, data of tracks, data on road accident.

On the basis of static transport model and data obtained in real time the dynamic transport model which key feature — a possibility of calculation and visualization of the short-term forecast of development of a transport situation (up to 45 minutes) taking into account a set of scenarios "that will be if was created" which results allow to expect possible incidents which can negatively affect the current transport situations and to take measures, necessary for elimination, before emergence of these incidents.

The TransInfo system aggregates, analyzes and visualizes data on a transport situation in real time, helps to find jams, to define their reasons and to create solutions for improvement of a situation and increasing the level of security of participants of the movement.

The data obtained in calculation result are broadcast through the different adapted information services to external consumers.[1]
