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Bank "Center-invest" together with "Norbit" launched a credit conveyor

Customers: Bank Center-Invest

Rostov-on-Don; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Norbitol
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2023/09  - 2024/03

2024: Credit Pipeline Automation

The company Norbitol (part of the group) LANIT together with "" bank Center-Invest automated business processes credit the conveyor of individuals and legal entities. The project was implemented on the basis low-code BPM of a platform. This made it possible to centralize credit processes in one system with full compliance with all the requirements of the regulator. LANIT announced this on April 17, 2024.

The transition to low-code and microservice architecture provides fast processing of large amounts of data and analytics, helps to quickly modify the IT landscape depending on changing tasks. This system digitalizes a number of critical business processes, including allowing you to accompany a loan application from the client's request until the conclusion of the contract. It is integrated with internal and external sources of information: the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (CMEV), the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH), SPARK-Interfax, and the bank's internal systems.

In automatic mode, based on the collected data about the client, a suitable product is selected, the credit history is checked, the maximum debt burden and other financial indicators are calculated. The BPM platform effectively routes approvals between departments, can independently decide on an application based on the parameters of the transaction and the scoring system, as well as initiate the conclusion of an agreement and amendments to it. In addition, it allows you to generate printed forms and upload various reports to facilitate the analysis of division activities. It is planned that more than 700 Center-Invest specialists in 100 divisions of the bank will work in the new system.

Center-Invest is one of the largest banks in Russia in terms of financing for small and medium-sized businesses and retail lending. We actively use digitalization to increase the competitiveness of products and quality improvement of services. The new platform will speed up work, help quickly launch innovative products and meet all the requirements of the regulator,
said Evgeny Alekhin, Head of the Information Technology Development Department of Center-Invest Bank.

The credit pipeline implemented for Center-Invest Bank is not only an opportunity to minimize the routine and manual work of specialists, but also a path to income growth due to the emergence of new customers and an increase in the number of loan applications. In addition, the system significantly improves the customer experience, thanks to personalized offers and flexibility of conditions for everyone,
noted Vladislav Ignatenko, Director of CRM Business Development at NORBIT.