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Aquapolis (tourist complex)




2024: Construction of the complex

On April 26, 2024, the government of the Kaliningrad region presented a project for a year-round tourist complex with the Aquapolis water park. Volna will be engaged in its implementation, and the total investment is estimated at 77 billion rubles.

We are talking about the creation of a year-round tourist cluster near the village of Sokolniki, Zelenograd District. Its central element will be the largest indoor water park in Northern Europe and the Baltic States with an area of ​ ​ approximately 87.8 thousand square meters with an artificial wave. The complex will include a spa area, fitness center, underground parking and a shopping gallery.

The government of the Kaliningrad region presented a project of a year-round tourist complex with the Aquapolis water park

It is said that, in addition to sanatorium-health and hotel facilities, including the so-called hiling hotels, the project provides for residential development. In particular, it is planned to arrange a children's and youth educational and leisure center in the form of campuses. One of the advantages of the project, it is claimed, will be a convenient access to the sea for vacationers.

Thanks to the scale of the initiative, Volna can become one of the largest employers in the region. It is planned to employ almost 1,300 people. Aquapolis facilities will be commissioned in stages starting from 2027-2028.

The government of the Kaliningrad region also reports that in the city of Pionersky it is planned to build a five-star hotel with medical and recreation specialization. The implementation of this project worth about 3.3 billion rubles will be carried out by the Yantarnoye company. The complex will include a spa area and an outdoor heated pool. As social obligations, the investor promises to transfer for free use of the region at least 7% of the business space of his hotel. In addition, about 500 new jobs will be formed[1]
