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TSUPIS Digital card

Developers: NPO Mobile Card (ITIS) Unified TsUPIS
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/05/08
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Technology: Remote Banking Systems

2024: Receiving cash at retail store checkouts when making a purchase. You can get up to 5,000 Russian rubles per operation

Digital cardholders of CUPIS can now receive cash at the cash desks of retail stores when making a purchase. You can get up to 5,000 rubles per operation. TSUPIS announced this on May 8, 2024.

To use the service, you must have a DPC digital card in the Mir Pay application. Before buying a card, you need to name the cashier the required amount and pay for the goods using Mir Pay. Together with the money, the cashier will issue two checks: one for purchases, the second - confirming the withdrawal of money from the card. The commission will be 1.5% of the amount, but at least 30 rubles per operation.

With this service, DPC digital card holders no longer need to look for an ATM to withdraw cash. Now this can be done at the checkout of a store or gas station. This option will be able to help out at the most unexpected moments when cash is needed. We are confident that the new service will make the life of users more comfortable, - said Artem Sychev, Commercial Director, member of the Board of the UNIFIED CUPIS.