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Баннер в шапке 2

Generium Next






2024: Construction of the plant for billions of rubles

On May 7, 2024, it became known about the completion of the construction of the pharmaceutical plant of the Generium-Next company in Moscow. This enterprise will produce drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma, cardiovascular, rare and hereditary diseases.

The production complex of Generium-Next is located at the Alabushevo site of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ in the Zelenograd district of Silino. The company plans to produce about 150 thousand units of products per year. It is expected that it will be produced mainly from domestic raw materials, the localization level will be 90%.

It became known about the completion of the construction of the pharmaceutical plant of the company "Generium-Next" in Moscow

Earlier, the expert council of the FRP approved the company Generium-Next, owned by Generium JSC, a loan in the amount of 2 billion rubles under the Priority Projects program.

The total investment in the creation of the enterprise, as the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov said earlier, is almost 5 billion rubles.

By May 2024, Generium-Next rents a room with an area of ​ ​ about 500 square meters at the Alabushevo site. The company also launched a workshop for secondary packaging and production of drugs for the treatment of complications of bronchial asthma and rare, so-called orphan diseases, including Gaucher disease and cystic fibrosis.

Generium-Next has the status of a resident of the special economic zone of Moscow, which allows it to receive significant benefits. Such enterprises are exempted from paying property, transport and land taxes for 10 years. The income tax rate for them is just two per cent. There is also a free customs zone regime and benefits for renting land allocated for the construction of the enterprise, and upon completion, it is possible to redeem the leased plot for one percent of the cadastral value.[1]
