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OTP Bank has imported a fraud prevention platform

Customers: OTP Bank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: BPS: SmartVista Fraud Prevention System

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/03

2024: SmartVista platform transition

BPS Innovative Software Solutions has migrated the SmartVista fraud prevention platform for OTP Bank as part of its import substitution policy. The anti-fraud platform from BPS operates on PostgreSQL and monitors all transactions carried out via RBS channels and bank cards. This was reported to BPS Innovative Software Solutions on May 16, 2024.

The main requirement of the OTP Bank team was to preserve all historical data and the database of precedents and investigations. On the technological side, to carry out migration, the bank set the condition that the downtime, including the shutdown of the current system, migration and the launch of a new platform with existing data, should be less than 10 hours.

To fulfill these requirements, BPS Innovative Software Solutions experts have developed a special data migration utility that made it possible to transfer all data without loss and reduce system replacement time to 8.5 hours...