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Unitree G1 (robot)

Developers: Unitree Robotics
Date of the premiere of the system: May 2024
Branches: Electrical and Microelectronics
Technology: Robotics

2024: Product Announcement

In mid-May 2024, the Chinese company Unitree Robotics introduced the humanoid robot G1. The machine worth $16 thousand, among other things, is capable of splitting nuts and opening bottles, as well as performing various acrobatic tricks.

The robot is about 127cm tall and weighs between 35 and 47kg depending on the configuration. The number of degrees of freedom reaches 43. In the area of ​ ​ the head there are various sensors that allow you to navigate in space and recognize objects. In particular, a lidar and a depth chamber are provided. The claimed battery life on a single battery charge reaches two hours.

Robot G1

The equipment includes Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2 adapters, Nvidia Jetson Orin chip (optional) and backlight. The robot can move at a speed of more than 2 m/s and maintain balance after serious physical influences. The Unitree demonstration shows people pushing, kicking and shoving the robot to demonstrate its agility and ability to balance. It is possible to fold, which greatly simplifies transportation.

The machine is capable of performing complex actions and manipulations, in particular, removing walnuts from a cup and breaking them with a fist, as well as knocking the lid off a bottle of soda with your palm. In addition, the robot can toss bread toast in a pan, solder parts, work with a hammer, etc.

Unitree Robotics notes that the machine is able to acquire new skills in a simulated environment using reinforcement training. The on-board computer operates with eight high-performance cores. It is assumed that the machine will be used by various research organizations, for example, university laboratories.[1]
