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Sinkiewicz Alexander Innokentievich
Sinkiewicz Alexander Innokentievich

Alexander Sinkevich was born on May 9, 1985 in the village of Ulety (Trans-Baikal Territory).



Since September 14, 2018, he headed the Uletovsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

2024: Appointment as Minister of Housing and Communal Services, power, Digitalization and Communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory

On May 24, 2024, Alexander Sinkevich was appointed Minister of Housing and Communal Services, power, Digitalization and Communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The corresponding order was signed by the governor of the region, Alexander Osipov.

Former ICT Minister of Transbaikalia Alexei Golovinkin left this post in October 2023. He worked in this position for a little over a year.

Before becoming Minister of Housing and Communal Services, power, Digitalization and Communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Alexander Sinkevich served as head of the Uletovsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory for almost 6 years.

Instead of me, the first deputy head of the district, Vladimir Anatolyevich Gorkovenko, remains, he will be acting. Of course, I will focus on preparing for the heating season, "Sinkevich commented on his transition to Chita.Ru.

Golovinkin on his page in Vkontakte"" wrote that he would not leave the regional team, but would continue to work in Transbaikalia. What position he holds by the end of May 2024 is unknown.

The vacancy of the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of Transbaikalia appeared on the HeadHunter website in February 2024, it was posted by the Transbaikalia Development Corporation. They were also looking for three deputies. One will be in the post of first deputy minister, the second will be responsible for housing and communal services, and the third - for power. The Transbaikalia Development Corporation later explained that it was not looking for a minister, and placed a vacancy to help the government find more candidates.[1]


By May 2024, Alexander Sinkevich is married and has a son.
