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Krona-Bank has implemented SearchInform SIEM to protect IT infrastructure

Customers: Krona-Bank

Irkutsk; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Neva Automation
Product: SearchInform SIEM

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/04

2024: Implementation of SearchInform SIEM

The system integrator Neva-Automation, a partner of SearchInform, has implemented SearchInform SIEM in Krona Bank. This was announced by "SearchInform" on May 27, 2024. The system collects, monitors and analyzes security events in real time. The customer made the decision to buy in February 2024. As of May 2024, the SIEM system is installed at the main nodes of the bank's corporate infrastructure, and implementation continues.

After testing the SIEM systems of several manufacturers, the information security specialists of Kron-Bank settled on the SearchInform SIEM product. The selection criteria were a large number of pre-installed connectors for integration with various elements of the IT infrastructure, ready-made correlation rules, as well as licensing "SearchInform SIEM" not by EPS (peak traffic), but by the number of nodes from which data is collected.

It was important for us not only to fulfill the requirements of the regulator and implement the system, but to get advanced means to monitor a large number of information security events, identify incidents and promptly respond to them before significant damage is caused, - commented on the information security service of Krona-Bank LLC. - In addition, it is convenient that the system is easy to deploy and configure. Since we are a small regional bank, we liked that the SIEM licensing scheme from SearchInform relies on the number of nodes that transmit data. With this option, it immediately becomes clear how much the implementation of the program and the purchase of licenses for scaling will cost.

In the SearchInform solution, the customer also appreciated the ability to create their own correlation rules. The mechanism is available for all 30 + SerchInform SIEM connectors. The cross-correlation service is presented as an interactive constructor. To create a new rule, you do not need to know programming languages.

Financial companies are always subject to increased regulatory scrutiny due to the large volume data of customer information they operate on. Moreover, the punishment for. personal data leak Penalties can grow to half a billion, liability - up to criminal. Due to the high risks and requirements of the organization financial , the spheres began to actively increase budgets and purchase protective equipment. ON So, according to our study, in 2023, 40% of Russian companies increased their budgets for information security. For comparison, in 2022 this figure was 28%, - said the head of analytics at SearchInform. Alexey Parfentiev

Recall that SearchInform SIEM is certified by FSTEC and entered into the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases. In addition, the SIEM system allows you to fulfill the requirements for the protection of information systems of state and commercial organizations established by the requirements of the FSTEC.