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Technoform (1C: Document Flow 8)

Customers: Technoform

Contractors: Raytec DTG
Product: 1C: Document Flow 8

Project date: 2023/04  - 2023/09

2023: Implementation of 1C: Document Flow software product

The main goal of the project was to automate procurement management document management processes, processes for "working with supplier complaints" and "working with buyer complaints," business trips processes (business trip plan, business trip requests, business trip processing, business trip report), management of incoming and outgoing correspondence, agreement of contractual documents, requests for spending funds, regulatory documents, orders for basic activities, personnel orders with the processes of familiarization with documents, sending and consideration of memos. As well as synchronization and seamless integration with 1C:ERP.

The result of the project was the automation of the following key workflow processes with customized document templates and report registries:

  1. Incoming documents;
  2. Outbound documents;
  3. Cash requests;
  4. Purchase requisitions;
  5. Regulatory documents;
  6. Incoming Claims;
  7. Complaints are outgoing;
  8. Travel Plan (by business unit and summary)
  9. Travel request;
  10. Memos;
  11. Contract documents (Sales Order, Amendment, Contract, including standard agreements distributor , distribution sales; contract production contract; contract sales in; CIS surety agreement);
  12. Core Activity Orders;
  13. Personnel orders (46 document templates with the familiarization process).

The company automated 60 jobs.

The introduction of the 1C: Document Management software product to automate the activities of Technoform JSC made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of management at the enterprise, optimize work with documents, monitor and optimize the implementation of tasks by employees.