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2024/07/23 14:58:31

Budgets for the digital transformation of federal authorities. TAdviser ranking

TAdviser has prepared a new version of the ranking of federal authorities in terms of spending on digital transformation. The leaders in spending in 2024 were Ministry of Digital Development, the Federal Tax Service and the Social Fund of Russia.

The authorities included in the ranking in 2024 planned to spend 263.5 billion rubles on the implementation of departmental digital transformation programs (WPTT), another 380.9 billion is planned to be spent in 2025-2026.

The total share of the ten largest planned budgets occupies almost 80% in 2024, and exceeds 81% in total in a three-year period.

The data published in the FGIS Coordination of Informatization (FGIS KI) also show that budgets are expected to decline by more than 23% in 2025, and by almost 3% more in 2026.

However, as Albert Bertyakov, an expert in the field of state digitalization, noted in an interview with TAdviser, one should not forget that the ICPT is planned, not actual IT costs, moreover, having a systematic defect - many departments do not indicate in the ICPT real IT costs that pass through their subordinate structures. It is extremely difficult to track these expenses as of 2024, because since 2020 the register of subsidies has been closed (in some cases, the federal budget funds at the disposal of the OGV are transferred in the form of a subsidy or funds for the execution of a state assignment to "coronavirus" and, in accordance with the rules of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, cease to be considered budgetary, automatically becoming its own means of "letting down").

The structure of planned budgets is divided into 3 main areas:

  • creation and development
  • operation
  • infrastructure

Ministry of Digital Development leads in 2024 in terms of the planned budget, just over 54 billion rubles. Compared to the previous year, the budget increased by more than 30%. However, in the period until 2026, the Ministry of Digital Development moves to second place. More than half of the total budget is planned to be spent on operation, with a peak value this year and a noticeable decrease in the next two. These funds are intended to ensure the operation of the e-government infrastructure and its GIS. Another 40% is planned to be spent this year on creation and development.

"In the foreseeable future, the Ministry of Digital Development Industry will become the undisputed leader in IT spending, because it will consolidate all developments on Gostekh and the costs of expanding e-government infrastructure," Albert Bertyakov said.

The Federal Tax Service, the traditional leader in the planned budgets of past studies, is in second place in 2024, but comes out on top in the total budget of 2024-2026. The budget distribution structure is noticeably different from the Ministry of Digital Development, the dominant segment in the budget is infrastructure, about two-thirds. The main items of expenses will be the data center system hardware and external centralized telecommunications. Also, at the end of 2023, the Federal Tax Service announced a major tender for the maintenance and updating of equipment of its three data centers.

The EME occupies a dominant position in the total planned budget of the Ministry of Labor, more than 83%, so it was decided to withdraw this organization as a separate participant in the ranking and not take into account the Ministry of Labor in a consolidated manner. The budgeting of the WPTSS EME in 2024 decreased slightly (-3%). The main share for EMEs also falls on operation, almost 70%, this trend continues until 2026.

For Rosreestr, operation is a larger item of planned expenses in a three-year period and reaches almost 40% of the budget, more than 30% of funds are planned for creation and development. The main items of operating costs are ensuring the functioning of information systems for electronic registration of real estate objects and geo-information platforms. Less than a third of the budget was allocated for infrastructure in 2024, with a significant decrease in volumes in subsequent years.

The Treasury's main section of the budget is exploitation, for which more than half of the funds are allocated, both in 2024 and in the three-year period. Also, about a third of the funds are allocated for the creation and development of new digital solutions.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs allocated the main direction of the budget to operation, the share of which exceeds half in 2024 and reaches almost 75% in the three-year period. Compared to the previous year, the size of the planned budget for digitalization decreased by almost 30%.

The Ministry of Finance this year planned to spend more than 40% of the budget on infrastructure, and this distribution will approximately continue in the three-year period.

This year, Roskomnadzor plans to spend about 60% of its "digital" budget on operation. Another third will go to the direction of "creation and development," which can be explained by a project to introduce artificial intelligence tools into the existing information resource monitoring system. Within two years, these technologies are planned to be introduced for maintaining a register of personal data operators.

Last year, the Ministry of Health announced the main trends in the digitalization of healthcare, which included the introduction of artificial intelligence tools, the personalization of medical services and telemedicine. Almost 40% of the budget is planned to be spent on the introduction of new medical information systems in 2024. However, the main article remains the operation of existing systems.

The main item of the FCS budget is operation, which accounts for more than 80% of the funds. At the same time, the budget volume this year decreased by more than 40%, which can be explained by the completion of work on the commissioning of the main data center of the department at the end of 2023. The process of data and software migration will continue throughout 2024.

Budgets of federal executive bodies for digitalization in 2024-2026
Name of OGV 2024 2025 2026 Budget for 3 years
Минцифры|        | 54 008 706,0 25 466 285,5 26 532 070,4 106 007 061,9
ФНС|        | 41 153 180,8 35 319 808,5 38 158 962,2 114 631 951,5
        | 24 727 578,1 23 894 237,6 23 894 237,6 72 516 053,3
Росреестр|        | 23 333 622,3 22 899 646,0 20 721 078,4 66 954 346,7
МВД|        | 19 292 421,2 8 730 067,1 8 555 185,0 36 577 673,3
Treasury18 237 320.619 009 012.719 557 860.256 804 193.5
Минфин|        | 7 608 123,1 7 583 252,7 4 335 279,5 19 526 655,3
Роскомнадзор|        | 6 932 663,0 4 894 771,3 4 916 498,9 16 743 933,2
Минздрав|      | 6 799 054,4 751 941,3 766 353,6 8 317 349,3
ФТС|        | 5 153 181,7 4 752 733,4 4 999 014,7 14 904 929,8
        | 4 719 157,7 2 832 776,1 2 867 396,9 10 419 330,7
Ministry of Education and Science4 349 626.63 199 709.6852 133.78 401 469.9
Минэкономразвития|        | 3 582 496,4 2 303 596,5 2 327 734,6 8 213 827,5
Минсельхоз|        | 3 287 445,0 1 880 675,0 1 887 194,9 7 055 314,9
Росгвардия|        | 3 229 289,3 2 926 401,7 2 926 401,7 9 082 092,7
ФССП|        | 3 148 195,4 3 043 353,6 2 150 288,4 8 341 837,4
Росавтодор|        | 2 119 367,5 2 048 563,3 1 939 563,3 6 107 494,2
МЧС|        | 1 898 915,6 1 482 257,6 1 500 055,0 4 881 228,2
Росприроднадзор|      | 1 847 011,4 149 522,6 149 522,6 2 146 056,6
        | 1 683 288,1 1 527 775,1 1 527 775,1 4 738 838,3
Росстат|        | 1 506 098,4 1 079 532,8 1 018 863,6 3 604 494,8
Минстрой|       | 1 393 680,3 1 030 101,6 449 003,6 2 872 785,5
Минпромторг|      | 1 358 078,4 739 568,9 285 587,0 2 383 234,4
Rosleskhoz1 214 432.9307 397.7307 397.71 829 228.4
Ministry of Education998 780.8286 209.8290 672.31 575 662.9
MHIF980 184.0759 128.6759 128.6  2,498 441.2
FMBA955 675.7660 449.7660 307.42 276 432.8
ФАС|     | 851 505,2 339 669,1 339 669,1 1 530 843,4
Rosobrnadzor826 922.7334 639.8344 521.31 506 083.8
Минюст|     | 809 215,4 538 570,8 540 518,2 1 888 304,4
     | 800 024,9 839 101,9 618 284,3 2 257 411,1
Roshydromet788 897.7753 993.6754 943.8  2,297 835.1
МИД|     | 691 973,7 628 799,6 644 407,3 1 965 180,6
Ministry of Culture690 362.9688 842.7720 789.9  2,099 995.5
Роспатент|     | 682 716,9 295 772,0 300 017,0 1 278 505,9
     | 660 862,9 402 802,7 400 358,2 1 464 023,8
Federal Property Management Agency566 956.7413 936.7393 239.9  1,374 133.3
Ростехнадзор|     | 509 127,60 453 541,60 451 742,60 1 414 411,80
Rosnedra445 751.90401 537.90401 537.90 1,248 827.70
     | 426 020,70 420 462,20 418 306,60 1 264 789,50
     | 418 558,90 417 308,90 417 308,90 1 253 176,70
Роспотребнадзор|     | 386 176,10 386 645,80 383 615,80 1 156 437,70
Minvostok383 967.60166 714.50166 714.50717 396.60
Roszdravnadzor373 138.80296 638.80307 638.80977 416.40
Росстандарт|    | 371 240,90 191 674,10179 644,10 742 559,10
Ministry of Natural Resources336 466.22 | 64 836.14 944 028.27
Минэнерго|     | 336 114,60 338 771,20349 152,90 1 024 038,70
Rosrezerv 313,022,80 175,480,80 175,480,80 663,984,40
Rosaccreditation 281 368.90 166 005.40 164 432.30 611 806.60
Rosaviatsia201 000.40134 091.60249 304.20584 396.20
    | 168 146,90 108 238,90 108 289,50 384 675,30
Минспорт|    | 150 019,50 37 561,10 63 970,00 251 550,60
Rosmolodezh93 442.5098 442.5098 442.50290 327.50
    | 66 240,70 66 240,70 66 240,70 198 722,10
Rossotrudnichestvo59 459.3059 602.6059 774.50 178 836.40
Rosmorrechflot]53 564.0050 048.1051 691.30155 303.40
Rosarchiv51 845.6051 846.1051 846.10155 537.80
    | 38 598,50 38 598,50 38 598,50 115 795,50
    | 32 986,50 32 970,20 32 970,2098 926,90

Source: FGIS KI

For comparison with the table that is relevant at the beginning of July 2024, a retrospective of data on VPTT passports for 2021-2023 is given (see below). Executed budget data is not available for this period either.

Retrospective of WPTCT budgets for 2021-2023
Name of OGV 2021 2022 2023 Dynamics 2022/21 Dynamics 2023/22
      | 29 025 159,5 38 934 521,2 44 627 278,3 34,10% 14,60%
Минцифры России 29 530 658,5 39 285 167,1 35 714 154,5 33,00% -9,10%
25 689 628,7
ПФР (с 2023 - СФР) 14 149 500,014 957 271,35,70%
ФСС России (с 2023 - в составе СФР) 3 391 533,03 989 400,017,60%
МВД России 17 592 301,5 18 463 554,1 21 200 678,75,00% 14,80%
Росреестр 9 095 307,6 19 367 310,9 16 121 408,3 112,90% -16,80%
Казначейство России 13 088 192,4 20 546 755,7 16 077 899,8 57,00%-21,70%
Роскомнадзор 2 219 330,8 24 014 881,6 14 265 885,1 982,10% -40,60%
ФТС России 10 366 932,6 11 630 573,6 8 742 992,6 12,20% -24,80%
Минздрав России 4 327 731,7 3 513 118,3 7 312 983,0 -18,80%108,20%
Генпрокуратура РФ 7 830 967,6 5 055 997,0 5 401 600,0 -35,40% 6,80%
Минэкономразвития России 3 978 287,5 3 486 130,9 4 520 272,8 -12,40% 29,70%
Минтранс России 2 179 559,8 4 533 955,7 4 109 822,6 108,00% -9,40%
Минфин России 2 703 752,6 4 150 610,3 3 780 542,2 53,50%-8,90%
Минсельхоз России 1 223 767,4 2 448 440,7 3 415 097,1 100,10% 39,50%
Минобрнауки России 1 700 790,9 1 946 879,8 3 279 095,1 14,50% 68,40%
ЦИК России (Центризбирком) 4 637 669,5 2 777 425,3 3 068 298,5 -40,10% 10,50%
Росгвардия 5 019 400,2 4 617 727,6 3 012 743,7 -8,00% -34,80%
Роструд 1 374 876,8 2 139 537,3 2 988 216,2 55,60%39,70%
ФССП России 4 084 560,4 2 418 791,4 2 888 293,2 -40,80% 19,40%
ФМБА России 2 656 701,3 3 784 462,9 2 198 624,3 42,40% -41,90%
МЧС России 1 839 469,3 2 435 496,3 2 186 443,6 32,40% -10,20%
Росстат 2 225 191,3 2 495 330,4 1 802 589,8 12,10% -27,80%
ФСИН России 2 282 873,8 1 501 742,3 1 659 181,1 -34,20% 10,50%
Рослесхоз 664 434,7 2 432 797,8 1 609 708,5 266,10% -33,80%
Росавтодор 943 751,3 1 095 149,6 1 548 085,0 16,00% 41,40%
Минстрой России 522 055,3 1 389 067,8 1 455 562,2 166,10%4,80%
Росприроднадзор 530 700,8 725 960,0 1 289 922,7 36,80% 77,70%
Росимущество 795 177,7 1 276 188,3 1 229 450,3 60,50% -3,70%
Россельхознадзор 563 055,6 803 245,0 1 140 568,6 42,70% 42,00%
Минтруд России 1 047 315,7 1 185 212,5 1 120 155,2 13,20% -5,50%
Минпросвещения России 1 381 615,9 1 390 722,8 1 017 499,1 0,70% -26,80%
Росфинмониторинг 1 381 730,7 1 058 011,1 956 068,9 -23,40% -9,60%
Минпромторг России 1 169 368,0 1 436 173,5 941 095,3 22,80%-34,50%
Минприроды России 108 607,5 120 697,2 908 340,6 11,10%652,60%
Рособрнадзор 911 383,9 939 385,1 881 045,2 3,10% -6,20%
Ростуризм 106 744,1 191 437,2 879 880,2 79,30% 359,60%
Минкультуры России 576 174,5 902 728,3 731 322,8 56,70%-19,00%
Роспатент 796 591,8 740 109,5 731 076,0 -7,10% -1,20%
МИД России 787 534,5 789 175,2 708 161,5 0,20% -10,30%
Минюст России 302 838,2 531 853,9 681 013,9 75,60% 28,00%
Росалкогольрегулирование * 709 711,0 657 014,7 657 336,6 -7,40%0,00%
Роспотребнадзор 941 280,5 511 676,9 515 875,7 -45,60% 0,80%
Минспорт России 241 734,6 372 396,7 486 264,9 54,10% 30,60%
Минэнерго России 699 782,4 623 988,8 467 429,8 -10,80%-25,10%
Росгидромет 325 216,1 335 890,9 455 424,5 3,30% 35,60%
Ростехнадзор 557 123,6 600 305,2 452 776,9 7,80% -24,60%
Роснедра 97 174,0 132 428,0 421 813,0 36,30% 218,50%
Росаккредитация 282 793,7 407 270,3 421 540,2 44,00% 3,50%
Ространснадзор392 468,6 418 107,0 417 308,9 6,50% -0,20%
Росводресурсы 252 165,6 385 277,8 400 817,1 52,80% 4,00%
ФАС России 675 330,3 849 380,3 386 373,5 25,80%-54,50%
ФФОМС 1 008 986,7 2 348 765,1 380 765,1 132,80%-83,80%
Росздравнадзор 378 543,0 379 316,9 376 150,0 0,20% -0,80%
СП РФ 854 308,4 754 832,9 281 379,4 -11,60% -62,70%
Россотрудничество 333 594,4 70 261,3 246 269,4 -78,90%250,50%
Минвостокразвития России 362 782,5 366 110,5 221 714,5 0,90% -39,40%
Росстандарт 195 173,9 253 883,9 206 838,5 30,10% -18,50%
Росрезерв 405 081,6 313 560,9 189 880,7 -22,60% -39,40%
ФАДН России 63 029,6 129 996,7 153 109,3 106,20% 17,80%
Росавиация 133 166,0 168 035,6 123 514,9 26,20% -26,50%
Росмолодежь 44 350,7 34 181,6 120 780,6 -22,90% 253,30%
Росрыболовство 269 032,5 260 303,5 97 278,7 -3,20% -62,60%
Росморречфлот 59 453,5 58 041,3 54 198,6 -2,40%-6,60%
Росархив 58 942,2 138 723,1 53 814,2 135,40%-61,20%
Росжелдор 38 857,7 40 447,6 38 598,5 4,10%-4,60%
ФПП России 428 578,0 89 181,2 38 104,9 -79,20% -57,30%
ГФС России 61 156.4N/AN/AN/AN/A
Роспечать ** 58 111,3
Россвязь ** 31 721,3

* In 2023, the name changed - Rosalkogoltabakkontrol
* * Abolished from 2022

Source: FGIS KI