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Cyber ​ ​ Backup protects TCP data

Customers: TCP (formerly Transport Clearing House)

Product: Cyber Backup (formerly Acronis Data Protection)

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Implementation of "Cyber Backup"

Cyber Backup protects data JSC TCP"," a major developer of solutions for the aviation industry. This was Cyberprotect announced on June 13, 2024.

JSC TKP is the executive body of the national Air Transport Settlement System (SVVT), a developer of IT and financial solutions for airlines, agencies and the travel industry.

IT infrastructure Many factors prompted the modernization of the TKP JSC team. So, in 2022, the company, like other large the Russian holdings and state organizations, was forced to look for ways to solve the problems with the extension software licenses due to the departure RUSSIAN FEDERATION of foreign developers from the market.

  • IT The TCP department had to promptly select and implement domestic software products that meet the certification requirements of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control RUSSIAN FEDERATION (). FSTEC of Russia The infrastructure of JSC TKP consists of many solutions from various manufacturers. This created certain difficulties in their administration, especially in terms of backup recovery. In data particular, the goal was to choose one reliable backup system with great functionality - to find a new optimized one that ON combines the capabilities of different RMSs.

We needed a single-vendor backup, recovery, and data protection solution to optimize backup management, reporting, and status statistics. There was a need to make the backup process transparent, convenient, and well managed. To do this, we have planned a transition to domestic software, proven, reliable, independent of foreign developers, "said Andrei Kainov, head of IT infrastructure development and security at TKP JSC.

The decision that was to be chosen by the IT team of JSC TKP was to protect all types of information resources and systems of the company, including personal data and critical infrastructure facilities.

The TCP IT department has quite a lot of experience in using various backup products. Therefore, when choosing a Russian solution for protecting critical data of the company, specialists compiled a rather serious list of technical and functional requirements for the new software.

We needed to implement a certified domestic system. FSTEC The main criteria are ease of management, high speed of working with physical and, virtual servers protection of backups, granular recovery of data, the ability to deduplicate them. We needed a system with a single center, where information is collected from several servers and where it is easy to manage the rights of backup administrators. In the list of requirements for the system, we also added the ability to remotely install agents, generate reports on tasks and backups, "said Andrey Kainov.

TKP IT specialists selected a software solution that would fully meet all the formulated requirements, as well as be accompanied by the necessary permits.

The team analyzed all options on the market. According to Andrei Kainov, one domestic system was abandoned due to the fact that the decision is more focused on. Linux Also, weak compatibility with systems virtualizations Hyper-V and, the VMware lack of a single web interface and the imperfection of the management console did not suit.

As a result of a thorough analysis and comparison of all RMS available on the market, TKP specialists decided to introduce the flagship product from Cyberprotect - the Cyber ​ ​ Backup Backup System. We chose extended versions of Cyber Backup for the physical server and for the virtualization platform.

The RBM was implemented by the TCP IT team. All work from the moment the pilot was launched to the complete transition to a new solution took about 6 months. The implementation went smoothly - it was not necessary to contact technical support and additionally train the staff. As of June 2024, Cyber Backup protects more than 5 TB of critical company data. TCP IT experts note the functionality and usability of the new backup system. The software has successfully shown its capabilities in practice - when restoring files and letters accidentally deleted by users.

By upgrading our IT infrastructure and migrating to Cyber Backup, we have been able to implement a comprehensive backup and critical data protection solution for our company. Our team appreciated the ease of control, speed of operation, a friendly interface and a well-thought-out set of options. The benefits of the software also include support for P2V migration scenarios, V2V what we actively use. The reporting and analytics function allows you to almost instantly determine the security status of information systems, which previously required spending time. With the introduction of Cyber ​ ​ Backup, the data recovery process was significantly simplified, became fast and intuitive, - summed up Andrei Kainov.