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In St. Petersburg, created digital copies of the famous horses of Claudt

Customers: Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts (NIM RAH)

St. Petersburg; Science and education

Product: ELAR PlanScan

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Making digital copies of Claudt's horses

ELAR Corporation is conducting a new stage of digitization for the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts. Elar announced this on June 13, 2024.

source = Elar

Within the framework of the current project, with the help of professional planetary scanners, the drawing collection has already been digitized, representing both the stages of the development of the drawing school in Russia and the most valuable collection of Western European drawing of the XVII-XVIII centuries, acquired to begin drawing training at the Imperial Academy of Arts.

A photographic recording of the sculpture collection is also held. These are visual aids of the Academy of Arts on the history and development of sculpture, starting with Ancient Egypt and the Renaissance, - said "A specialist in the Video-Graphic Data Bank of the Federal State Budgetary Institution" Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts "Marina Valeryevna Hartanovich. - Of particular value are the original works of famous sculptors N.S. Pimenov, M.M. Antokolsky, V.A. Beklemishev, P.K. Klodt, F.P. Tolstoy, V.V. Lishev, P.P. Trubetskoy, M.G. Manizer, B.Ya. Vorobyov.

Peter Klodt - artillery officer, was a volunteer of the Imperial Academy of Arts in the class of sculpture. His sculptures of horses on the Anichkovsky bridge do not leave indifferent residents and guests of St. Petersburg, - said Marina Valeryevna Hartanovich.

Of interest to collectors and bibliophiles is the book graphics of the work of K.A. Somov, LS Bakst, I.Ya. Bilibin: book covers, calendars, posters, libretto.