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By DSS of RAIDIX 5 it is introduced in "NMIC of hematology" of the Russian Ministry of Health

Customers: Hematologic scientific center Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Ministry of Health (hematology NMIC)

Product: Raidix DSS

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Implementation of Raidix 5 DSS

System Integrator SevenPro""carried out the introduction the Russian storage systems of software-defined on the basis of 5 ON RAIDIX in the infrastructure of the federal state budgetary institution. "National Medical Research Center of Hematology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FSBI "National Medical Research Center of Hematology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia) This was Raidix announced on June 18, 2024.

The main criteria for choosing an information system were the lack of "binding" software to a specific equipment vendor. As well as the possibility of building effective work in a heterogeneous infrastructure, since at the time of installation of the system in the IT complex of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Hematology" Ministry of Health Russia systems (data storage DSS) from several suppliers were already involved.

For the project, a two-controller DSS of system with a useful storage capacity of 150 terabytes was chosen, which successfully coped with the tasks assigned to it.

First, it is designed to store data from existing virtual machines in the landscape, such as VMware and Brest.

Secondly, these DSS be used to store medical images in PACS systems (Ref. picture archiving and communication system). This technology allows you to store and transmit digital images of research and diagnostics that are carried out in the institution. DICOM Medical Imaging (Ref. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) are loaded in high definition and contain graphical information as well as metadata, which requires a high level of reliability of the DSS used.

Solutions from RAIDIX have proven themselves very well in terms of compatibility with heterogeneous equipment and have shown high reliability and manageability. In our opinion, they are one of the best solutions for medical institutions and import substitution of storage systems in general. I believe that this project is very important not only for the National Medical Research Center of Hematology, but also for the entire industry. After all, the volume of various research is growing every year. In addition, by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Ref. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2020 N 560n) medical institutions must store images from two years to five years. Which, in turn, carries a significant burden on the IT complex.
said Alexander Martynov, CEO of SevenPro.

The system copes with the tasks assigned to it. This technical implementation uses RAID 7.3, a proprietary development by RAIDIX that allows you to allocate up to three drives for checksum storage, thus providing increased storage reliability in PACS.