Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The state corporation for the organization of air traffic transfers 10 thousand jobs to the domestic OS and office software

Customers: State Corporation for the Organization of Air Traffic in the Russian Federation (State Corporation for ATM, FSUE)

Moscow; Transport

Product: Red OS

Project date: 2024/07

"State Corporation for the Organization of Air Traffic in the Russian Federation" ("State Corporation for ATM") decided to equip the workplaces of employees with domestic software. To do this, on June 18, 2024, she announced the purchase of licenses for the MyOffice office suite with an initial price of about 263 million rubles[1] and the operating system "Red OS" for workstations in the amount of about 74 million rubles[2].

source = "State ATM Corporation"
Workplaces in the "State Corporation for ATM" will be equipped with domestic OS and office software

The State ATM Corporation provides air navigation services for airspace users in the Russian Federation. The organization has 17 branches in different regions of the country, and the total number of employees in 2023 was about 25.6 thousand people.

The published specifications for the procurement of office suites and fixed assets indicate that the State Corporation for ATM requires over 10 thousand perpetual licenses of both products - 10,847 licenses of MyOffice Professional and 10,049 licenses of Red OS.

The clause on the justification of the price of "Red OS," in particular, states that information on the cost of the product "State ATM Corporation" requested from the developer of this product - "Red Soft," as well as from the companies "Softline," "SysSoft," "Abisoft" and "SoftStore Trade."

It is necessary to deliver both purchased products within 10 days from the date of conclusion of contracts.

In addition to office software and OS, on the same day, the State ATM Corporation announced the purchase of licenses for the Red ADM centralized IT infrastructure management system in the amount of about 45 million rubles, the developer of which, like Red OS, is Red Soft.

Earlier, we will remind, President Vladimir Putin signed an order stating that for all state-owned companies by January 1, 2025 it is necessary to ensure the total replacement of operating systems, office suites, virtualization systems, database management systems.
