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Arenadata digitalizes sales on BPMSoft

Customers: Arenadata (Arenadata Software)

Moscow; Information Technology

Contractors: Norbitol
Product: BPMSoft

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Implementation of BPMSoft

Norbit automates sales processes for Arenadata's CRM (customer relationship management) -based group from BPMSoft. The implementation of the system will help the company support the multiple growth of the business, ensure transparency of operations, reduce their labor intensity and maintain a high level of client service. Arenadata announced this on June 20, 2024.

Arenadata's group has seen sales increase by more than 2.5 times in the last two years. To implement clear, unified processes for working with target audiences, it was necessary to implement a single CRM. Given the high requirements for customization, functionality, implementation speed and scalability, the domestic low-code BPMSoft platform was chosen.

Now in a common CRM, managers can control the sales cycle at all its stages - from the emergence of a potential need to the preparation of a quotation and the signing of a contract. It collects information about customers and partners, forms digital profiles, which are then used for segmentation and marketing campaigns.

All valuable data is available in a single card. Built-in analytics tools allow you to quickly collect statistics in different sections, make balanced management decisions, and also form plans. The introduction of CRM significantly accelerated the establishment of new transactions in digital format, helped to achieve high traceability of processes for managers and managers.

We have extremely ambitious plans for the coming years. To implement them will require not only the best products and sales team, but also internal digital tools that will support rapid and active development. Digitalization of sales is just the first step. Then we will deal with the processes associated with this block. In the near future - automation of accounting for marketing campaigns. Next, we will build a single storage that will combine data from ERP, CRM, HRM, ITSM and other source systems. In 2025, we want to use the capabilities of artificial intelligence, for example, to match customers in CRM with event lists,
said Andrei Zhukov, commercial director of Arenadata.

We closed the full cycle of the project, taking into account the preliminary survey, IT audit and training of users to work in the system. An MVP was created in four months. Managers could immediately work in it. In a short time, we showed the possibilities of the new CRM and the potential business effects of the implementation. Due to the fact that the low-code platform is used, they received additional advantages in Time-to-Market. We can quickly adapt business processes to the changing market and requirements,
noted Roman Gnatko, Commercial Director of NORBIT.