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Dudakov Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Dudakov Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Vladimir Dudakov was born on March 4, 1976 in the city of Lakes, Moscow Region.


In 1999, Vladimir Dudakov graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Russian State Medical University and clinical residency at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. M.F. Vladimirsky with a degree in surgery.

In 2011, he underwent professional retraining at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specializing in cardiovascular surgery.



Since July 2022, Vladimir Dudakov headed the Saratov Regional Cardiac Surgery Center. Previously, he was the head of the cardiac surgery department of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. M.F. Vladimirsky, lived and worked in Moscow. In 2022, according to media reports, he came to Saratov, got acquainted with a potential place of work, examined the clinical and diagnostic bases of the cardiodispressor.

2024: Appointment as Head of the Ministry of Health of the Saratov Region

From June 21, 2024, Vladimir Dudakov became the new head of the Ministry of Health of the Saratov Region. He replaced Oleg Kostin.

I made a decision to dismiss the post of Minister of Health of the Saratov Region of my own free will. The decision is balanced, conscious and I think the right one! In the health care of the Saratov region, there are many young, promising candidates who will perfectly cope with the tasks set, and will work for the benefit of patients and in the name of further development, - wrote Oleg Kostin in his Telegram channel.

Kostin also thanked his colleagues in power for their support, and health workers for their conscientious work in a "difficult system."

Before heading the Saratov Ministry of Health, Vladimir Dudakov worked as the chief physician of the regional cardiac dispensary.[1]
