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2024/06/24 09:48:47

Digitalization in BRICS


Main article: BRICS


2024: In the BRICS countries, a single digital personnel platform is being created so that Russian companies have more remote employees

In early June 2024, it became known that Gazprom Neft is developing an international digital personnel platform for the BRICS countries. It will be used by Russian companies in order to attract foreign specialists - including for remote work.

According to TASS, Kirill Kravchenko, a member of the board of Gazprom Neft, spoke about the project. According to him, the platform is planned to be promoted as "an important tool to meet the needs of the country's economy in new competencies." The development of distance learning will make it possible to more effectively use the intellectual potential of friendly countries, as well as help specialists receive a decent income. The project will speed up the digitalization of business by attracting IT workers, engineers, marketers, etc., in a remote format.

part of the cooperation of the BRICS countries, a single digital platform for personnel management is being created.

Together with the BRICS countries, we will be able to unleash the additional personnel potential of their citizens. It is important that a similar initiative for the development of temporary, platform employment in Russian companies is supported at the state level, says Kravchenko.

The initiative is being implemented by Gazprom Neft with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The head of Gazprom Neft, Alexander Dyukov, emphasizes that new forms of employment, for example, work in remote, hybrid and project formats, will allow people to maximize their potential, and companies to effectively use the rarest and most scarce personnel. The new platform will be operational by 2027.

Russia historically knows how to work in order to adapt foreigners. About 40% of the world's population lives in the BRICS space and interaction with specialists from friendly countries on a permanent or temporary basis will close a number of Russian personnel needs, Interfax quoted Dyukov as saying.[1]
